
College Tuition: A Cost-Benefit Analysis

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“Things are going to be different for you now,” my mother said with tears streaming down her face. I was the oldest of five and would be the first in my family to attend college. “Things will be better for you.”
“I know, Momma,” I said as she smiled up at me. She never thought any of her children would have an opportunity to go to college because we could not afford to pay tuition. “I’ll be somebody, and I’ll make you proud.” Federal funding of college tuition can turn the aspirations of low income families into a reality. Lower and middle-class families often struggle to afford college education and are unable to send their children to college. Federal funding of college tuition would benefit college students and their families by allowing …show more content…

The Obama administration expanded federal support to assist more students in paying for college and suggested a shared responsibility in covering the rising costs of attendance (White House 2). In 2015, President Obama proposed the America’s College Promise Proposal, which would make the first two years of community college free for responsible students (Cubberley 2). This proposal is a significant step toward the possibility of complete federal funding, as others, like Senator Bernard Sanders, have suggested. Their goal is making public college free for everyone (Field). Federal funding proposals appeals to millennial and parents paying college tuition (Field); however, the cost to taxpayers is a concern for many. Senator Sanders’ plan would cost $70 billion every year, and the costs of similar proposals have similarly high prices …show more content…

Tuition costs vary depending on the type of education and certifications offered by different schools. Education past the high school level can include community college, four year universities, technical schools, and vocational training schools. A college student is a student who attends an institution that offers instruction in a professional, vocational, or technical field. (add source).
The idea of federal funding of college tuition has met considerable opposition. It is argued that the price of college is not unmanageable. Students can work while going to school to pay their own tuition. Student loans and payment programs are widely available to college students (Kelly).Loan debts can be paid once students graduate and enter the work force. Some argue that college is not a necessity. Plenty of jobs are available that do not require any higher education. While many solutions offered seem like they would work, paying for college can be an enormous

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