
College Students Are Not Safe On Campus

Decent Essays

Opposed to the college life depicted on television, college is not about partying and being independent. Students are tossed into reality, responsibilities and uncertainty. From piles homework assignments to the possibility of not having a meal, college life contains stress and concern. On a macro level, each student deals with some of the same problems and these should be fixed. College students face high tuition costs, limited job opportunities and uncertain campus security. Each of these issues can be corrected by making college affordable, raising the minimum wage to satisfy current living expenses and regulating rules on gun control.
Commonly, tuition costs are a huge topic for debate because college debt can follow a person for his or …show more content…

As an educated bunch of people, students typically watch the news. These men and women read about school shootings and the debates on whether or not guns are safe. Especially with the presidential election nearing, gun control is brought up in many conversations. Some believe we have a right to carry guns and others believe guns are too risky to carry. However, every student can agree that guns in the wrong hands are dangerous. College campuses are big targets to blame for unhappy thoughts. For example, students are constantly under academic, personal and financial stress; this leads to unstable people holding weapons. So, many begin to question campus security. Students should feel safe on campus. By banning guns from campus, having metal detectors in various locations and offering counseling students, colleges can reduce the fear of being the next target. With automated weapons being very common, the right to bear arms must be reexamined to fulfill freedom and security rights. Innocent students should not be burdened with more stress over whether or not they are safe reading in the library or taking notes in class. Guns must be controlled so students can feel safe and

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