
College Admissions Essay: Why Is Education So Important?

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The future is like a present that we are dying to open and find out what it holds. Obviously, we hope what we want is inside the present. There are several things us humans are expecting from the future. Whether it is flying cars or robots taking over the world, we all have some high expectations. I actually have a few expectations myself. Those expectations consist of: free education for everyone of all ages and different genders around the world, ending poverty, and ending domestic violence. These are all problems that I believe one day will come to an end. A fight to provide education for everyone has been around for quite a long time. We as students take school for granted. According to “Why is Education So Important?” there are about 75 million kids who don’t attend school. Why is our education so important? Well, education is a human right and plays a very significant role in our communities, countries, and the world. Education leads to a happy life and allows us to enjoy the things that world has to offer for us. It has several benefits like a great job, high earnings, and a great …show more content…

By definition, domestic violence means: violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner. Stereotypically it is the women whom are abused, but there are several cases in which the guy is abused as well. According to “30 Shocking Domestic Violence Statistics” women are more likely to be abused than men. 85% of domestic violence victim are women and 15% of victims being men. Did you know that the number of American troops killed in Afghanistan and Iraq between the years 2001 to 20012 was 6,488? Well, the number of women killed by current/ex partners was 11,766! That is nearly twice the amount of women dead! Domestic violence can affect a persons’ mental and physical health. It can cause depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress

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