
College Admissions Essay: Where I Want To Attend University

Decent Essays

When I first started looking at colleges I had no idea where I wanted to go. I had no clue how far I wanted to travel, no knowledge about any schools, and was still stuck in the realm of high school. I suppose that’s a lot of high school students, but unlike some students who had researched colleges their junior year, I hadn’t thought about where I wanted to attend. I started with the basics. What did I want to study? I looked into some schools for marine biology and looked to Florida in hopes of finding a school for marine biology as well. As I went further into the process I realized that I didn’t want to be too far from home, and I wanted to perhaps focus more on biology and environmental science. The first schools that I was interested in were Connecticut College, Skidmore College, and The University of New Hampshire. …show more content…

They had an amazing arboretum for environmental science and the academic standards were high. I had hopes of making my parents proud if I had gotten accepted there. I had decided I was going to apply ED there. That was until my mother found out about Wheaton College. I had never heard of Wheaton College. I was never too familiar with the Boston area and I had …show more content…

I have been controlled by my parents for my whole life. I know they are just trying to protect me and have the best intentions, however sometimes I wonder if they are too controlling or If they are trying to shape me into someone I’m not. Another reason I picked this course if because my parents and I have been through alot and we aren't always on the best terms. I sometimes even wonder if being adopted has an impact on why I am so different from them. It overall seemed like a very interesting course. I am excited to go more in depth with this topic, and can’t wait to get to know you

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