What I am Passionate About The word Passion is derived from the Latin word “Pati” meaning “to suffer.” I did not know this until I looked up a definition of the word passion I found that it meant “a strong and barely controllable emotion.” Something that makes me feel a strong and barely controllable emotion would be something such as my education. I am very passionate about my education because I know that in today’s society I need a college degree in order to make it through life successfully and to make a good life for my future children and family. When I get older I want to become a psychologist, so in order to become what I want to become I will have to do my best in my college and high school classes. I made it into the Early High School
I dreamt of walking on Commonwealth Ave. I envisioned myself entering the Morse Auditorium, books in hand, eager to learn. Ever since I had visited the eclectic city of Boston in 2006, I knew it was the right fit for me. I knew that the city itself, along with the remarkable academic resources that Boston University offers would allow me to grow socially and mentally. Until this day I ask questions on end from my comrades at the BU, impatient to learn more and more about their lives on and off campus. From all the feedback I have received I have come to one conclusion: BU is the place where I will get a rich, broad background in all my studies. BU will give me the foundation and preparation I will need to enter any field of study.
Passion is the key to living a happy and fulfilled life. According to Gretchen Rubin, the author of the New York Time's best seller Better Than Before, "passion gives you a reason to keep learning and to work toward mastery." Take what a soldier does for an example, they leave their families behind and travel thousands of miles away from home, they risk their lives in order to protect their country and their family because they are driven by their passion for their country and family.
Passion is a word used to describe an uncontrollable desire to improve or succeed. People develop a passion for many different things and reasons, some use passion to drive them towards success in a sport or activity, others use passion to be successful in raising children or performing well in their career. My passion is to become a successful bowler. Even though I did not start bowling until I was eighteen years old, it was apparent that I had a certain feel for the way the lanes worked. I was able to become the best on my high school team with only using a straight even though the rest of the team used balls that hooked and were proven to produce higher scores. After I graduated high school I took a year off from school to work. During that
I spent almost my high school life under the shadows of fear. I was continuously bullied throughout with little hope ahead. I was at the breaking point of my life, but my passion for biology saved my life. I hated myself deeply until then. I hoped the world around me to be dead along with my rotten flesh. I never forgotten the beauty of nature. I saw science as a new journey like a fresh start. I am not an elite who can understand how this society of complex systems, but I was able to get a glimpse of how the nature of biological living interacted with myself. I loved it. I will continue to day dream in my conscious thought with science. I need help to reach my goals and stay motivated along the way. Thank
In the eighth grade, I didn't really ever want to pay attention and to listen to a teacher who´s talking about atoms and molecular molecules. I was a teenage girl who was mostly focused on boys, clothes, and other stuff that would capture my attention. I didn't want to do math equations, I wanted to gossip about who was dating whom and when. I didn't want to study, I wanted to watch movies and tv shows. The only time I admired school was lunchtime because it was where my friends were and you didn´t have to do work.
What inspires me most is success. Success, because why try anything if you're not looking to succeed in it? I look forward to new challenges that I can take on and try to be successful in. Even though some challenges I may fail, with failure comes opportunity. Learning from a failure I that consider to be a success because I will be better prepared for what's
Being passionate about the things I do matters to me. Although it is not necessarily an obvious, quantifiable accomplishment, I believe it is as essential, if not more essential than, any of my other achievements. Passion is actually how I have been able to achieve all that I have thus far in my life. Whenever I am passionate about something, I am more involved and extroverted towards it.
A wise man once said “Man is only great when he acts from passion.” When you hear the word passion, the first thing that might come to your mind is something related to love, and you’re not entirely wrong. According to Merriam- Webster’s dictionary, passion is defined as a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something or a strong feeling (such as anger) that causes you to act in a dangerous way. All in all, it is a strong feeling, be it happiness, sadness, anger or liberality. You can be passionate about many things such as love, sports, food, or intimacy. However, it can also mean having a strong yearning for something.
Passion is when a person feels strong love, fondness, or desire for something. To be completely in love with something, to put your entire heart and soul in something you love. That passion for me is music. Fellow classmates often wished they had joined the music program at an early age, and feel like they can’t do it in highschool because “it’s too late to learn an instrument.” But, to all my classmates that aren’t in the music program, I highly encourage it. Even if they don’t know how to keep a beat, I feel like music is something everyone can benefit from. Everyone should consider getting involved because music helps you find a part of yourself, you didn’t even know existed. It’s such a beautiful thing that educates you on communicating.
I know that receiving a good education can shape me as a person and I hope throughout high school Im able to mature my passion creativity and perseverance. I am passionate in learning because I am able to confidently speak my mind and convey my thoughts in a manner that is easily understood. My education has taught me to see the world from different perspectives, and to me that is invaluable. In high school I want to explore different studies so I can learn more about my surroundings. I believe broadening my range of studies may help me discover subjects in which I am passionate,and may even further progress some of my current
This papers emphasis focuses on what motivates me to be my best. Throughout the paper I elaborate more on how success is my motivation. Also, the experience I have faced in my life which had lead me to have success as my main motivation in life. I like the satisfaction of achieving an accomplishment. What Is Your Why Essay: My Motivation Insight What motivates me?
Florida, Wisconsin, New York, Washington, and California were just a few states I was considering for college! Which college will I attend? What will I major in? Finally and most importantly, what will I be when I grow up? Hopefully college will help me figure out what I want to be! Little did I know that college was going to be so much more than figuring out what I wanted to be when I grew up.
To begin, I am a very well rounded individual, and although my interests and skills aren’t limited to STEM, I have found that my passion for STEM has made me a better person overall. I live in a very rural part of Canada, and because of this, it can be difficult for me to find things to do, especially when it comes to science and technology. This is why that I have, for the most part, paved my own way and learned most of the things I know about science and technology on my own, simply because these subjects are, to me, among the most interesting in the world. I have an insane drive to put my learning to use so that I can innovate and inspire others to continue their studies in STEM because I have found, through my own personal experience, that
Passion is described as a strong emotional attachment or feeling. I would describe my strongest passion as my love for learning. When one thinks of learning, the first thing to come to mind is school and academic knowledge; however, when I refer to learning I am referring to learning about everything ranging from school, to athletics, to arts, and even just learning about life. It is my fervor for learning that allows for the strongest demonstrations of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. A passion for learning has allowed me to exemplify a majority of these great qualities in a single, simple setting. As a person who is eager to learn about anything he can grasp, when the opportunity came for me to tutor students who were Syrian
It seems as if there are not enough hours in a day for me anymore. Months feel like weeks and weeks feel like days. The more I wish time would slow down, the faster it seems to pass by. I have an abundant amount of goals to achieve per day. The list becomes greater as I become older. Since I have always known that I have a passion for helping others, I decided that working in the medical field would fulfill the hunger I have to help others. I know that as a senior in high school I do not have to be certain nor set my mind on only perusing one career. I have to keep an open mind and explore that interest me. Although I do not have to know, I have always wanted to become an orthodontist. Knowing this at an early age has