
College Admissions Essay: My Voice

Decent Essays

My Voice Each individual is created to live their life uniquely. Each person has their own beliefs and opinions. They shape how one perceives others and how one affects others whether it be personally,locally, or globally. My opinions and beliefs affect me directly. They are constantly changing, which means I am constantly changing. They affect my mood and the way I think. For example, in a matter of a few short months my opinion on something could change entirely. It is only natural, I am a teenager. My outlook on the world depends on my voice. It is a part of my identity and without one, I wouldn’t know who I would be. My voice is a key to the world of my interests, passions, beliefs and thoughts. It is a key to myself. Locally, I feel as …show more content…

I am a part of a community . What I believe in , may be disregarded because I am young. I am told that I am inexperienced in life but I am expected to choose a career within these two years. I am allowed to think but as soon as I contradict the people more important than me, I am wrong. I am encouraged to only think a certain way because I was born into a culture who is afraid of change. Although I know my voice is respected, I don’t know if it is loud enough. As a daughter, my opinions and beliefs are important to my parents but I do not feel like they understand the struggles teenagers go through. Given, they were a teenager once but that was a long time ago. Their problems were different than mine. The pressures they had were different too.I’m expected to do well in school and have a promising

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