
College Admissions Essay: My Journey To College

Decent Essays

I was motivated to come to college because of how I grew up watching my parents struggling. My parents immigrated from Mexico before I was born, the older I get the more I realize the immense sacrifices they have made for me. It’s very important to me that I give myself the future that they fought for me to have. Not only did I know their struggle was for me, I also knew that the only way to not struggle like they did was to continue my education and better myself. I grew up in a small american town in the southern states, as a person of color I realized I had to work much harder than others to succeed half as much as they do. I was motivated by how people underestimated me. I was motivated to come to college because of myself. I get to …show more content…

I want to learn more than I could ever dream of, and find out who I am. I want to do all this because it’s a way for me to keep growing. You never know who is going to be able to help you one day. I don’t know who I am yet, and that’s okay. I’m still learning about myself and other things because I’m still growing as a person. A year from now I hope I’m an RA and I’m helping students get acclimated to the same life I’m so excited about now. I hope that I know more and that I’m ready to keep fighting for myself. Four years from now I hope I’ll l still be growing and learning. I can’t answer exactly where I’ll be or what I hope, because I truly don’t know. I trust myself enough to know I’ll be okay and be better off than I am now. I’m most nervous about leaving my family behind. I know I’ll be okay, I’ve been independent since I was younger. I just worry about my parents and how they’re coping. I worry about how my little brother feels and how much I’m missing out on. I’m worried I’ll come home and I’ll have missed out on everything. I’m worried about letting people down too, but I also know that I’m more important than other people. If I’m proud of myself, nothing else

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