What exactly is a hero? A hero is someone who is admired for their actions and known for being unique in their own way. It is someone who you look up to and has qualities that you value. Hero’s don’t necessarily need to have superpowers, but anyone who has helped or inspired you in any way can be your hero. For example, my hero is my dance teacher Lissette Lucas. I met Mrs. Lissette when I was about five years old when I started taking ballet classes. Since then, she’s inspired me to follow my dreams and never give up.
Lissette and I always had a special bond because she always believed in me when I was ready to quit. She saw so much potential in me when I first started dancing and that’s what pushed me to keep going. She also taught me how
A hero is someone who helps others and strives to make the world a better place. Our world is shrouded in the darkness of others and heroes are often the light to our darkness. While most people get lost in our world, some people help shine a light on others and make the world a better place. An example of this is a mission worker spreading hope and joy throughout the world. Heroes often sacrifice themselves or their power for a greater good.
In todays society heros to us are celebrities or superheroes but in reality ordinary people can be heroes too. A hero is a person who brings out the good in people and makes us want to bring positivity to the world.
Every night I would watch her working hard to pass her classes to become a repertory therapist. I would help her study and help her make flash cards and what she was learning about seem very interesting to me. So after a while I would start studying her flash cards with her. She taught me a lot of things.
She made me realize that you can have a lot life, but not without giving something up for it.
There are heroes all around us. Some may wear capes or/and a mask while others would like to stay behind the scene. Think of it as a superhero and their sidekick. Everyone admires the superhero but very few recognize their sidekick. So, when I was asked who’s my hero at school, I automatically thought of my favorite teachers or ones who I am close with. But I began to question myself, who is the one that comes by every single classroom and cleans, takes the time to fix any mechanical problems, or cooks enough food to make for over 500 students. And I then discovered who my heroes are; the cafeteria workers, janitors, and maintenance people.
she is my mentor and she offers gratifications of its own. My grandmother gave me the lessons in
My definition of a hero is a person who is more than willing to protect or help you in any way without hesitation. They may not have to have special superpowers, or save your life. It can be a random person, a family member, or even a friend. They can give you advice or encouragement to help you.
I personally believe a hero is somebody that impacts on somebody’s life in a positive way. This could be by doing anything from inspiring somebody, by achieving in something that others aim too, to sacrificing yourself to save other people’s lives.
will never forget. Having watched her work very hard as I grew, I found it
She believed in me and I felt no stress to be somebody I wasn’t in order to fit into a class or lesson. She still helps me. She’s now teaching me piano which is something I’ve always wanted to
What is a Hero? “Heroes are those who can somehow resist the power of the situation and acts out of noble motives, or behave in ways that do not demean others when they easily can,” said Philip Zimbardo. What is a hero? In my own opinion, a hero is a strong, handsome man who is loyal to his friends and family.
I can’t thank her enough for everything she has taught me in my short seventeen years on this planet. My life would be boring and dull without someone like her to keep me on my toes and push me to be the best that I ever could
A hero can be someone who has overcame a difficulty situation, that they didn’t care about all the obstacles they had to go through to get them where they are at today. What does a hero really mean to me? Well, a hero to me is someone who going to protect you. Someone who going to support you physically, mentally, and emotionally. Someone who going to be there for you no matter what.
A hero is someone who has helped you, someone who is supportive for you, someone who you know you can count on when you need to talk. That is my definition of a hero. My hero she is kind, she is sweet, she is supportive. My hero is my sister DebiAnn, she has short
She understood perseverance and the importance of people and she carried on against all odds. The last time I spoke to her, she knew exactly who I was, despite