
College Admissions Essay: How Psychology Changed My Life

Decent Essays

Two years prior of my birth, both of parents made the ultimate decision to begin a brand new life as they brought themselves along with the rest of my family to the United States of America. Sold on the idea of the ‘American Dream’, they held aspirations of offering a better opportunity of an enriched lifestyle for all of us. With their own cultures mixed with my American values and ideals, out came a lifetime's worth of clashes and thoughts on who I am as an individual. I began to take on the role of the observer as I payed close attention to the family dynamic and grew aware of each member’s specific roles. Seeing how these said roles affected the relationships and behaviors of one another allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of others. Psychology allows me to observe my surroundings, to be able to figure out why things work the way they do and my love for it continues to grow. It offers me the chance to ask questions and strengthen my curiosities on human interaction and the level of impact it has on society. …show more content…

I later grew deeper involved in the process of the human mind and how their behaviors affected not only themselves, but others around them. Something I took away from psychology in general is that there is no black or white. The human mind is the biggest mystery that we've yet to solve, yet refuse to give up on solving the hardest puzzle. Connections definitely exist; what someone says or does affects the person who it's directed towards. It's a never ending chain and all of this shapes all of us as a

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