
College Admissions Essay: A Career As A Gifted

Satisfactory Essays

No one ever seems to think of the complication the term “gifted” puts on someone. Being gifted is more than about being a genius or a prodigy; it’s about thinking differently and striving to become better. Some think it’s learning quickly, or being great at any subject, but until you've achieved such label, it isn't like that much at all. Being gifted, I think much differently. I taught myself how to succeed in subjects to better myself. I have always loved math and science. I go around the teacher’s directions, managing to find a different way to multiply, divide, or find the derivative of a function. Normally, it was the hard way, but sometimes I discovered the fastest way to finish a problem. Whether I make it harder or easier on myself, in all subjects I learn differently than others. I have gone through the school system only thinking the most I could accomplish was solving a math problem no one else could or acing a science test. I have truly learned there’s no limits to what I can accomplish. My difference in thinking allowed me to succeed in so many ways and I hope to continue in college and my career to better not only my self, but the life of others. …show more content…

I have been raised to grow up and be happy to wake up and go to my job. My goal is to utilize my skills in math to create new technology and systems that are clean and efficient. I seek a degree in electrical engineering to do just that. Taking multiple math classes, I've developed a love for problem solving. I hope to work on both small and large scale projects to help not only make advancements in technology but also preserve the environment. I aspire to create and build electrical systems that apply my education and are safe for everyone to limit pollution and wasted energy. I aspire to never stop having goals and to continue pushing my self to become smarter and contribute to the

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