After reading the case study and piecing together what I believe might be a torn or strained Lateral collateral ligament with inflammation to the patella. Though the study does not say what caused the damaged to the the knee. The evidence suggest that is the likely diagnoses. My reasoning behind this is because of the edema and swelling to the knee on the lateral portion of the femoral condyle. The LCL orgin is the epicondyle of the femur which is very close in proximity to the condyle causing the ligament to become strain by what ever force was exterted on it. The study also states rectangular shaped chondral defect involving the superior aspect of the central patellar facet with a measuremental defects. This tells me that the person fell
Health History: A 25-year-old male injured his left knee in a recent skiing accident. The patient stated that he lost his balance because the inner edge of his right ski got caught while skiing. This resulted in the right leg being externally rotated followed by and audible “pop” as he lost footing. By evening, the right knee joint had become swollen, causing intense pain. The primary care physician referred the case to an orthopedist.
The documentary, Rape in the Fields, explores the experiences of women farm workers who are either documented or undocumented immigrants. Unfortunately, many of the men that these women work with take advantage of that fact by using it as a threat in order for them to commit sexual assault towards these women. The issues of “unwelcome” and “involuntary” actions, power and powerless, vulnerability, and receiving help for these women are all portrayed within this documentary. As defined in the presentation, “sexual conduct is unwelcomed whenever the person subjected to it considers it unwelcome.”
“Feminism has not prepared them for this,” states Camille Paglia in her essay “Rape: A Bigger Danger than Feminists Know.” The “them” in Paglia’s statement is referring to women, and she is discussing the topic of date rape. Susan Jacoby, on the other hand, writes in her article “Common Decency,” that feminism is not responsible for the rising cases of date rape, but that it is the men who are at fault. Paglia’s argument is insightful and accurate, but Jacoby’s writing is flawed and not well-researched. Paglia includes all rhetorical appeals and persuasive techniques, while Jacoby lacks in some departments of persuasiveness and fills the gap with logical fallacies. Comparing both of these papers will help the reader see why
2003, where this victim was touched by Widiger on her butt cheeks. Another victim told detectives about Widiger touched under her shirt for several years. In result, his bond was for twenty thousand dollars. He was convicted for two counts of sexual assault on his second victim. He was acquitted of misdemeanor disorderly conduct and second-degree sexual assault. He has to spend twelve years in prison and another ten years on extended supervision. He was sixty-two years on his arrest. he will be done with his conviction when he turns eighty-six years old.
Statistics could sound more alarming than it actually is, it is not always as bad as it could be. Personally I feel the statistics for forcible rape should be higher than 25 out of 100,000 people. I know from previous classes that rape is underreported, so this could affect this statistic greatly. This statistic seems revelantly low, which is really good thing from the publics point of view. However with the underreporting, this makes it inaccurate and harder to determine the actually amount.
The documentary we watched in class, Rape in the Fields, had made a profound impression to me and caused me to view intersectionality different. For me, it was different just reading about intersectionality than to actually see and hear woman’s stories about social inequalities they faced that oppressed them. Before the documentary, I never once considered the laborers that helped process the food that we Americans eat, and the suffering that some go through so Americans can have access to food. I found it interesting that the documentary showed how deeply race, class, and gendered are embedded and active with social institutions. We learned that race, class, and gender influence how and to what degree a social institution will meet your needs,
The purpose of this research is to acknowledge the existence of rape in the black community as well as the hypersexualization of African American women in the media. This research will elaborate on the psychological effect of rape, give personal testimonies of victims, and discuss solutions, prevention, as well as a history of the “where, when, and why” of this crime. It will also discuss the effect of rape on men, provide information in regards to the most common places rape occurs/has occurred and also give light on the perspective of men and women when it comes to the issue of sexual assault.
Which in an interview presented in the article authors, Kim K. P. Johnson, Sharron J. Lennon, and Theresa Lennon Schulz, Hegland and Johnson (1995) mad an interview with 41 rape survivors to determine how many women were actually assaulted for wearing sexy clothing. In which the majority stated, the outfit they were wearing the day they were rape had nothing to do with the fact of being raped. As well as mentioning that these women did not choose the outfit they were going to wear that day as a means of sexual consent or sexual advances. With these results it demonstrates that in reality all the assumptions and myths created by society in particular women does not affect if a women’s particular attire will cause sexual harassment. It is the assumptions that society has created within themselves to maintain a justification for women who wear sexy clothing. A women who wears tight fitted clothing, or “sexy” attire does not make her a potential target for sexual harassment, nor does it make her responsible because there is no prove to show that this is the case in every myth a stereotype. It is just assumptions like many others society creates within to establish a justification for why a person expresses their own free will.
Genocidal rape occurs through what is the perpetrator’s motive. The majority of male soldiers use marital rape for the satisfaction of feeling superior or in command. Male rapist’s use the feeling of superiority to make the opposing party feel vulnerable (Claudia Card pg. 17). Rape during war sends a message out to the male community for the purpose of humiliation. The objective behind Raping a wife, daughter, mother or sister is to prove that the men related to them we unable to protect them from the sexual violence. Not only is genocidal rape explained through power motives, but can be explained through biological and social motives. Rape during a war can be used as a tactic for relieving stress (Carly Brown). Mullins proclaims soldiers
Sexual Abuse is known to occur among any relationship, race, sex, and gender, including male victims and homosexual couples. When rape is committed, authorities do what’s possible in order to seek justice. However, when the authoritative ones are those whom commit the crime, it is nearly impossible to seek justice. In the military forces, rape is the main issue among the soldiers and the authority figures. Although men are victimized in several cases, women constantly suffer from unjustified rape. Participating in sexual assaults are led due to external theories of gender construction, such as the Social-Learning Theory, supporting the influence of patriarchy (Barbara F. McManus, pt. 3). Male authorities allow corruption of the military forces against rape, initiating obstacles towards the justice for women.
Feminism is still relevant in 2016 because of the Stanford rape case because rape culture is still prevalent, women continue to be shamed after being victimized, and a women are held against a man’s word.
I often do not have a large amount of free time to research things outside of the classroom, but recently I was thinking of key issues that I would look for in possible candidates running for political office. This contemplation was then accompanied with the dilemma of the treatment of rape cases around the country. I looked into the many problems associated with the topic and learned quite a few things, many of them considerably unsettling.
A lot of people get raped every day. Rape is very traumatizing especially if you know the person who raped you. Lots of foster children were raped at one point in their life. Some were raped by their birth parents and some by their foster parents. Most of these children are scared for their life because most children who are raped in their foster home are generally abused physically too. Adults can also be raped. They are most likely raped by their bosses or a stranger. Most rapes are performed by those who have been raped before. Just like woman, men can be raped.
The paper will also look at criminological theories that try to explain rape and also look at how criminological theories can explain the individual who commits the crime of rape. Some of the theories that can explain rape include classical school-deterrence and rational choice theory, sub-cultural theories (Albert Cohen and status frustration), Walter miller’s theory of focal concern and social structure theory.
In a typical rape case there are two crime scenes: the location where the rape took place and the rape victim’s physical person. In this case, the location where the rape took place will be the place where Elena witnessed a gang raped incident and the second place is the hospital where the victim was at. The action that needed to take is getting the first responders to primary and secondary crime scene to secure the crime scene. In the primary crime scene whereby the location that rape took place, the Investigating officer should conduct a hot search and cold search around the place. The investigator, a rape counselor, or another care provider should conduct a detailed interview in a setting most comfortable to the eyewitness, Elena. Finding