
Colin Powell Catherine Lobbestael USAF Senior Noncommissioned Officer

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Colin Powell
Catherine Lobbestael
USAF Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy

“The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help them or concluded that you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership.” This quote is profound in it’s own right but does it portray an author who is ethical and visionary? Could a man become a four-star general, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Secretary of State without holding these principles near and using them as a guide? As we explore Colin Powell’s legacy, we’ll find out. If one were to look back over the past 50 years of military engagements in the …show more content…

Fifth, troops should be assured, before they go abroad to fight and possibly die, that they have "the support of the American people and...Congress." Finally, and what would become of special importance to Powell over the next twenty years, Weinberger declared that "the commitment of U.S. forces to combat should be a last resort." (LaFeber, p. 73)
His vision carried on for years and not only led our military through multiple operations such as the overthrow of Manuel Noriega where Powell “insisted that the overthrow of Noriega be a quick, overwhelming strike carried out by a force of 20,000 Americans, accompanied by the U.S. Air Force, against a handful of Panamanians who had no air force” as determined by his doctrinal principles. (LaFeber, p. 74) His vision was also a guide in what not to do, as evidenced years later when then President Clinton was contemplating sending forces into Yugoslavia to intervene in a religious conflict. Powell disagreed with this option until the principles of his doctrine could be met and pointedly asked about the specific objectives of the troops who were to be involved (LaFeber, p. 78). This was a magnificent display of idealized influence, as discussed in Full Range Leadership

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