
Cold Dark Matter

Decent Essays

“Living with loss is what matters, and writing and artists show us the many different ways in which it can be done”(Leader). Cornelia parker is a sculpture and installation artist. This piece is called Cold Dark Matter: An Exploded View (1991, London, Tate) This piece is a garden shed broken by the British army. A light has been reflected on the installation piece that shines the whole room with shadows like a tree branch would look like. This effect of the shadows projects the piece “A frame divides up space and, in a very precise sense, it draws attention to whatever lies within its boundaries” (Leader year). The frame will help the viewers to concentrate on what the what is meant to be seen, the frame will help us to find the distance …show more content…

This piece shows sheets of lint removed from washing machine. Orozco has used these sheets to be hung on a washing lines. From the sheets there are sort of fragments of dust particles from the sheet; they may be visible to the eye. The dust can be a metaphor for forgetting because dust can fly away These sheets are about to erode because the dust from the sheet are like people from Nepal starting to erode because of their mental stability (find reference), the Nepalese people are trying to survive and also forget the earthquake that had just happened. Dust happens, when houses falling down and becoming debris and then become dust floating in the air visible to the eye. People are helping towards finding if there are people hiding underneath the rubble.(bbc news) “in the tendency of monuments to reduce themselves to dust”. The colours in the sheet are grey, this is a very unhappy colour. The colour grey is an unhappy colour. The sheets look old because they have dust and how some of the sheets are torn. This is suggesting it speaks of an event in history. It relates to the earthquake because it speaks of what happens in the Nepal earthquake because the sheets looks like rags and they look ugly. The once beautiful structures and architectures that lie in Kathmandu has now been destroyed, so the history that once was there will be no longer available, people will not be able to enjoy looking at what was once there it …show more content…

This piece leaves traces of a bunch of peoples clothes that they may have left behind. This is a pile of clothes is presented as a mass grave. Clothes are appearing but the bodies are missing, the people whom the clothes may have belonged to may have passed away or be hiding somewhere beneath the pile of clothes. This is like a memorial full of clothes to commemorate a life or gain knowledge of a terrible event. Memorials are events in a way, they can be for the public. People give a lot to the dead such as they present us with events like this, this is a commemoration o mean to remember and not forget. The remembrance of this event or what lies in the artwork, it is not possible to forget. This is a documentation of memory so we don’t forget what happened. These are the clothes that are left of them piled on top of each other. We learn to survive through the trauma of what has happened. We learn to survive through the grief of a loved one, the one we lost. A college student I interviewed, the victim made a good point we learn how to survive in these difficult situations, such as the Kathmandu earthquake. We learn to survive because of our talent to remember everything. The author has interviewed a college student that made a very good point. She said it was an experience. Memorials and monuments are a celebration of their life or something that had happened in the past. War Memorials

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