
Cognitive Dissonance

Decent Essays

Isaac Petersen
Honors Psych
Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive dissonance theory has been around since the late fifties. It has inspired many psychologists to figure out the murky depths of people’s minds. The theory relates strongly to decision making, social phenomenons and mental angst. Many paradigms exist within cognitive dissonance. Two important paradigms are the Belief Disconfirmation paradigm and the Free Choice paradigm. There are several experiments that have been studied that relate to cognitive dissonance, including the boring tasks experiment. The person who coined the phrase cognitive dissonance is the famous Leon Festinger, and he studied it inside and out. Cognitive dissonance is one of the most important topics …show more content…

This questions whether or not dissonance arises when people are highly rewarded for tasks that they did not want to do, and what the magnitude of dissonance is when given different levels of reward. This experiment had three groups. One was the control group that did not get payed (rewarded) for their task. The second group was paid one dollar to do the task, and the third group got twenty dollars to do the task. The subjects were then asked to conclude how the procedure went (not boring/boring). The group that was paid twenty dollars said the task was not boring, but the group that got paid one dollar said it was. This shows that people who receive great amounts of external justification say that the task was not boring because of the small amount of dissonance that arose from being paid a lot. The one dollar group was on the fence about how boring the task was because they received external justification, yet not enough to counteract the dissonance that arose (Metin).
The man who coined the phrase cognitive dissonance was the famous Leon Festinger. He was born in Brooklyn, New York, May 8th, 1919 (Schachter). He went to an all boys’ high school, then went to the University of Iowa where he worked with Kurt Lewin, a Gestalt theorist and psychologist (Schachter). He worked with Lewin for many years throughout working with Lewin, Festinger shifted to social psychology. After Festinger graduated, he worked as

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