
Cognitive Bias Research Paper

Decent Essays

I like the topic for your dissertation’ It is justifiable that it targets the fashion in which people live, the decisions they ought to make in life, tasks that they intend to engage to and perform, etc…. In the real world, there are many factors that drive individuals to certain unwilling direction, and position them in no choices domain. That sort of acceptance because of no alternation may contribute to settling for less decision; nevertheless, when individuals have no other alternative, they opt to wait for time, they may make a decision to settle for less with intend to move on when a new alternation present. Sometimes individuals may opt to settle for less because they want to salvage a relationship, may be they want to keep something that is very unique or special. But there is a reality within the pressure to settle for less. Individuals would do anything to keep what is so specials, they do not want to loose and regret it in the future; it is a matter of common sense and cognizance of life’s modality. …show more content…

It is justified when an individual would like to make a settling decision in life, the cognitive bias exalts as a reference to make new decisions, and something that happened in the past can be affective in making present decisions. To overcome cognitive bias is not a heavy task, simple you need to identify the bias with knowledge that cognitive bias are things we agree with. Disconfirming the bias would make a difference of mitigation. It is important to note that the environment we leave in and the world in general is overwhelmed with biases that affect our cognition. We are doomed to think every day. Consequently, there is nothing we can do about it; we see things in different angles relating to our preconceptions, what we have experience in our pasts, and the environmental and social factors

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