
Coffee 's Effect On The Global Balance Of Power

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16. Describe coffee’s effect on the global balance of power (in terms of commerce).
Coffee has not only impacted the world socially, but it provides financial means for many countries who export their coffee beans. Just like any alcohol, coffee was a major economic item and it helped the economy grow in many different places.

17. How did coffee play a pivotal role in the scientific revolution?
Before coffee there were two choices for hydration - water or alcoholic beverage. The water was not purified so it often made people sick. The alcohol would purify the beverage but made everyone drunk. Coffee, boiling water actually, gave a new source of fluids that was not alcoholic, was not full of microbes, and the caffeine gave a little kick. This discovery allowed scientists to look inside the creation and process of making coffee, and played a role in the scientific revolution.

18. How did coffee play a role in the “financial revolution”?
The new drink of coffee and the shops in the City of London where it was commonly sold became the furnaces of the financial revolution. Wealthy, influential men met in these coffee shops and began to trade in stock and shares, and, famously, insurance. Lloyd 's of London, the world 's largest insurance market, began in Edward Lloyd 's coffee shop. As stated earlier, many of the drinks listed in this book are huge economic items, and always give the local economy a good boost.

19. How did coffee play a role in the French Revolution?

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