
Coffee Preventative Health Benefits

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Coffee is a popular drink that many people rely on to start their day and give them a pick me up throughout it. Simply smelling the rich aroma of the roasted beans brewing in the morning is enough to start getting a person to feel more alert and prepared. When that first cup is consumed and kicks in it gears a person up and gets them motivated for action. However, what they may not know is that by consuming 2-3 cups of this aromatic beverage a day they may be providing preventative health benefits on a mental and physical level. These benefits have been documented by researchers in scientific fields based on conducting studies.
One of the benefits realized by researchers is that the minerals and elements of coffee help boost the levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain, which in turn will help to reduce feelings of depression and allow a person to be in an uplifted …show more content…

The consumption of coffee also contributes to aiding the liver in people who drink alcohol, so the stereotype of giving a person coffee after a night of drinking actually does have a use in aiding to stave off liver damage. The likelihood that a person may have a heart attack or stroke is slightly lower for a person who includes coffee in their routine as well.
Coffee does have its side effects. It is best to drink it black, adding sugar or creamers not only add calories, but may give you a jittery feeling. According to other sources, adding half and half or liquid creamers can add almost 50 calories in coffee, whereas coffee alone is only 7 calories. Coffee will make you urinate frequently as it is a natural diuretic which causes more frequent urination, and it contains acidic elements that may cause heartburn in some certain

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