I chose three codes of ethics from different fields. The fields are;
1. Society of professional journalists http://www.spj.org/ethicscode.asp
2. Australian Computer society http://courses.cs.vt.edu/~cs3604/lib/WorldCodes/Australia.Code.html
3. Code of ethics for librarians and other Information workers http://www.ifla.org/news/ifla-code-of-ethics-for-librarians-and-other-information-workers-full-version I chose the three codes of ethics depending on their nature. The nature of the careers varies and their responsibility to the community, the management and to other employees. The jobs demand ethics in a variety of ways. When we put them together, they can make a perfect set of code of ethics in which each set will help serve a certain party. The code of Ethics from the society of professional Journalists is very important. According to Ethics and Compliance Initiative (2009), a code of ethics should give the guidelines of how employees operate and relate with each other. The code of ethics of professional Journalists has strict measures for authenticity and independence. Our company can borrow a lot from how journalists are required to handle their business especially when many are working on the same assignment. I also chose the code of ethics of Librarians and other Information workers. This people interact most with people like those who want to use the services of an information facility. Most of their ethics emphasize on Openness, neutrality and etiquette. Any
A code of ethics stands for a set of principles of conduct set within an organization to assist or guide employees to making decisions and adhering to ethical behavior. It’s a set of guidelines that must be followed to make ethical choices when conducting work related matters. Code of ethics is an organizations form integrity. This paper will discuss what an appropriate code of ethics is, and summarize the features of deontological, consequentialist, and virtue of ethics in a professional code of ethics. It will also analyze both the advantages and disadvantages of each approach to ethical theory in the context of the workplace.
lawyer, how do we know if he is not like that towards other clients and judges. I understand that people get emotional when things like divorce and custody arises and things can get out of hand, but in this case, I feel he went a little overboard only thinking about himself and not considering the consequences this all had on his ex wife and minor child. He was definitely unprofessional and even one of the judges said “ if someone asks me what vexatious litigation looks like, the former husband's various filings in this divorce case, especially his antics in these post judgment proceedings, are an excellent example” (Judge Farmer, 1997). Judges and lawyers have a higher standard to go by, if this type of action is not tolerated when representing a client, then it definitely should not be tolerated by a lawyer in his own case.
As a social work undergraduate, we have several queries regarding why it is so important to follow the NASW code of Ethics and values that relate to human diversity, with regard for the worth and dignity of all persons, as applied to a specific case where we are delivering social work. It is very essential to recognize the five core values of social work, service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, and integrity and competence on our occupation of social work. Today, we have chosen two areas and situations of how we are going to deal with our biases and our challenges while working as social workers, by employing the NASW code of Ethics and values that relate to human diversity, with regard for the worth and dignity of all persons.
As a Director of Human Resources for a public organization, in writing a comprehensive Code of Ethics, I would define the following key areas regarding expected standard of employee behavior as especially important; 1. A code of conduct regarding sexual harassment, discrimination and equal opportunity, 2. Confidentiality and privacy, 3. Workplace health and safety, and 4. Drug free work environment.
A code of ethics highlights the responsibility and accountability standards of each and every employee within the organization. These codes are also motivating factors that guide the employees’ behavior, set the standard regarding ethical conduct, and build an organizations trustworthiness within
Ethics is a term that many people does not understand because there is no set code of ethics that everyone must follow. There is not a “one size fits all” (Pasztor, 2015) when it comes to ethics. A code of ethics determines how employees should act while working for the company. Each company has their own code of ethics that they expect ALL their employees to follow. The employee is supposed to show action that is for the best interest of the employer and clients above their own interests.
As many organizations have or seek to establish a global footprint, it is imperative that they establish a written code of ethics that clearly lays out what the company stands for as well as enforce it. This is required as it will establish the acceptable behaviors for those that fall under the code of ethics. Taking the time to develop this is key to successful interactions with internal and external shareholders as well as reducing negative perceptions by stakeholders.
The similarities between the ACA and the AMHCA code of ethics, they both providing training, guidance, and direction in making ethic decisions for their members (ACA, 2005) (AMHCA, 2010). The ACA and AMHCA codes of ethics cover a wide range of ethical and professional situations common to the practicing professional. An example of not having the correct training in multicultural counseling is in the case study of “Allison: The Case of the Well-Meaning Feminist”. Allison, a 28 year old student was counseling Carmen, 19- years old Latina, did not understand the Latina cultural. If Allison would of have training on the Latina cultural, she would have understood the importance that
When working in an organization, it is usually important to establish professional ethics while following consistent ethical principles. Professional ethics are personal and corporate standards of behavior that are set by businesses, associations, and organization. It creates an institution that reflects our own values and make us feel more confident about what is an acceptable behavior and what is not. This type of ethic could vary depending on the various types of situations, professions, and personal values. Many professionals that are trusted by the public like doctors, accountants, engineers and even an information technologist all have a Code of Ethics, which sets out expectations of the member’s behavior and how they operate internally and externally.
According to Abiodun and Oyeniyi (2010), ethics addresses issues of good and bad and with moral issues and duties. Ethics sets rules of conduct in place in the hopes of providing guidelines for human behaviors focused on the preservation of a society. In the United States, National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) has put instruction or guides specific to restriction for legislators in relation to restrictions on gifts from lobbyists to legislators. Some states are more specific and prohibit gift giving with exceptions. This writer is of the opinion, the exceptions are where the “S” is taken out of stretch.
"Our results indicate that the informal methods ("manager sets an example" or "social norms of the organization") are likely to yield greater commitment with respect to both employee attitudes than formal methods ("training courses on the subject of ethics") (Adam, et al, 2004).
As any other organization, we have established organizational codes of ethics. Many of these codes Ferrell described are trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. (Ferrell pg. 226) Principles and values that we have in our organization are very important to the organization to set the boundaries for behaviors that
The formal definition of ethics is as follows, moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour or the conducting of an activity or alternatively the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles. (Ethics definition: dictionary.com, 2014)
The ACS codes of ethics is a part of the ACS constitution. As an ACS member you must uphold and advance the honor, dignity and effectiveness of being a professional. This involves, in addition of being a good citizen and acting within the law. While Because of their roles in developing software systems, software engineers have significant opportunities to do well or cause harm, to enable others to do well or cause harm, or to influence others to do well or cause harm. To ensure, as much as possible, that their efforts will be used for good, software engineers must commit themselves to making software engineering a beneficial
Every day addiction specialists are faced with scenarios that make them question their ethical and moral backdrop; trying to acclimate the right choice can often times be problematic, even for the most advanced specialist. There are permissible ethical guiding principles that are universal or aphorisms that lead ethical perceptive and comportment (NAADAC, 2008). These guiding principle are commonly held as the values that head the behavior of an individual (Falls, 2006).