
Code Of Ethics For Nurses In Australia

Decent Essays

Professional standards are put in to better a workplace and outline the professional standards that are expected within that place of work. The Code of Professional Conduct for nurses is intended to provide guidance to nurses and midwives in their practice – members of the public are entitled to expect nurses and midwives to conduct themselves in accord with these guidelines and standards (‘Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia – Professional Codes & Guidelines’, n.d.). There is also the Code of Ethics which is a statement encompassing the set of rules based on values and the standards of conduct to which practitioners are expected to conform.
Nurses have ethical and legal obligations to protect the privacy of people requiring and receiving care. This encompasses treating as confidential information gathered for professional purposes only (Privacy Act, 1988), therefore in regards to the case study this registered nurse has failed to uphold her professionalism and failed to comply with her Code of Conduct and has accessed his medical files in order for her to gather his personal information, then proceeded to message the partner of the patient to inform her of his diagnosis therefore, breaching her duty of care to the patient – even though she is not …show more content…

As the code outlines, nurses are required to maintain confidentiality while also being required to comply with a patient’s wishes about when, where and with whom their information is shared with (Atkins, Britton, & de Lacey, 2014, p. 149-173) – in this case however the registered nurse that has accessed his files without any need to do so and shared his information – he has not given her consent to distribute his information to anyone and she has not done so in a professional

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