
Coach Carter Us?

Decent Essays

What leadership style does Coach Carter Us?
- Coach Carter uses transformational leadership throughout the film. Transformational leadership is basically the leader having the ability to lead people/group to do more than they would usually be expected to do, this is to bring innovation and change within the team members. Coach Carter performs a lot of tasks to inspire the team. Coach Carter sees a bigger future for each player in the team, that they have the ability to achieve more if they imagined. Coach carter used a lot of positive and negative reinforcements where he wanted to help alternate the bad habits/behaviors of each player. Coach Carter had a positive influence to everyone, Carter strived to encourage and help everyone to work to …show more content…

Carter was once a student enrolled in RHS as well as being a part of the basketball team. Therefore he has experience, knowledge, and discipline which helps makes him the type of coach he is today. Some of the traits and behaviors Coach Carter illustrates in the film is that Carter made sure his team members respected themselves before they respected the coach himself, basically by acknowledging each other by "Sir". Some of the other traits and behaviors Coach Carter incorporated into his role is being fearless, confident, and focused. Coach Carter is always focused on the task that is put to him. He believed that everything is possible in order to achieve it. "If there is a will, there is a way". A lot of people were not happy with the techniques he uses, where he meets resistance from not only the students, but the parents and staff of the school as well. Even though Coach Carter faces these conflict, he still does everything in his power in order to make his task possible, so therefore in this case, he is willing to risk his job, in order to ensure that his team players has the chance to have a better future. Due to all of the things that Coach Carter is determined to do, a result came to where the students take responsibility for themselves as well as each other. They worked as a better team, not just playing basketball but, to improve their academic scores as …show more content…

With all of his intentions and actions, Carter's vision was complete. Not only are the basketball players successful in playing basketball as a team, either in the classroom but that they will be successful in life as well. The team won consecutively and were almost undefeated, and even though they had loses, this did not determine anything bad. They were able to move past it and learn from the experience. Coach Carter was a success because not only did he improve their basketball skills but they developed new skills as well. Coach Carter always kept up to date on how they were doing in school because that is the most important, as well as it was one of the requirements in the contract that they attended every class and achieved a GPA of 2.3 or higher. Carter made sure that these requirements were met before they had the privilege of playing basketball. The team came into realization that they can’t depend on sports to determine their future. Coach Carter was able to inspire

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