CM conducted a 30 Day CFT meeting for Alexia Taylor (youth) at Daytop Treatment. In attendance were Jasmine Alexander (CM), Alexia (youth), Kelly Hennebry (Case Manager), Jaimie Coviello (Therapist) and Lisa Marshall (caregiver). CM completed initial Strengths & Needs Assessment and the crisis plan was reviewed. The following were discussed: Mental Health/medication: Youth was admitted to Hoboken CCIS from Bayonne Medical Center on 1/26/17. Youth was transferred by police after she expressed S/I and stated that she was going to kill mother’s cat. Youth denied S/I and saying that she wants to kill mother’s cat. CM was informed that youth was missing for two weeks and went to Virginia Beach; youth denied going to Virginia Beach. Youth has
This paper explores the CVS Company while conducting an internal analyses of the company. Along with seeing what the strengths and weaknesses that the company may have. Another area that will investigated will be an external analyze that CVS had to face. The main portion that will be investigated is what environmental threats that they have encountered through the years. CVS utilized several different strategies but only three will be looked at to see how CVS concurred them. The ones that will be reviewed will be product differentiation, cost leadership and superior customer service. When a company wants to invest into foreign market, there are areas that they need to consider first before they can start moving products. This paper will
CM conducted a CFT meeting for Alexia Taylor (youth) at Daytop Treatment. In attendance were Jasmine Alexander (CM), Alexia (youth), Kelly Hennebry (Case Manager), Lisa Marshall (caregiver) and Jaimie Coviello (therapist). The strength and needs assessment was completed. The Family Crisis plan was reviewed and the Family Vision was reviewed. The team discussed transition plan and after care services for youth.
Please review the case notes for this patient. This is a DCF case and her teenage kids has been removed for the second time. She is recommended for mental and substance abuse treatment from DCF. Deborah works for SalusCare in the prevention department and she has a lot of information about this case that she will put in the SalusCare medical record file. The information that Deborah has access to is from the DCF data base.
CFT/ Treatment team meeting was held at the LifeTies program located in Ewing, NJ for Dwayne Arroyo (youth). In attendance were Jasmine Alexander (CM), Stephanie Mansfield (Residential therapist), Vivian Harmon (Program Director), Madeline Lloyd (CCS) and youth. The SNA and JCR will be completed by LifeTies.
Kennesaw State University (KSU), Kennesaw, GA is selected in this report to study, analyze and for the SWOT analysis. KSU is a public, coeducational, comprehensive university located approximately 20 miles north of Atlanta. The university has academic programs in business, education, nursing, criminal justice and sports management.
CM conducted a CFT meeting for Alexia Taylor (youth) at Daytop Treatment. In attendance were Jasmine Alexander (CM), Alexia (youth), Kelly Hennebry (Case Manager). Lisa Marshall (caregiver) participated via phone. The strength and needs assessment was completed and the Family Crisis plan was reviewed. After CFT meeting, CM took youth on a day pass for 2 hours in the local community.
To increase my skill set in facilitating a group, being able to exhibit genuineness, empathy, and positive regard to all in the group. Display acceptance of all cultures with admiration and self-respect (removing all stigmas and bias).
Throughout the audit, the audit team observed many times where controls were truly created properly and applied effectively to the IT infrastructure, and demonstrated in the strengths below:
ING Direct’s first credit card, set to be released late this year, will require consumers to make minimum repayments of 10% each month. This minimum repayment threshold is roughly five times higher than the required repayment rates found on most other credit cards in the market.
Good evaluation of a SWOT-Analysis. I liked how you included the various stakeholders involved with developing a successful SWOT-Analysis. Van Wijngaarden, Scholten, and Van Wijk (2012) explain for SWOT-Analysis to prove meaningful throughout an organization, it is important for various stakeholders to be part of the brainstorming process when developing the components of a SWOT-Analysis. Therefore, if only health care managers or physicians are part of the SWOT-Analysis creation, then important information might be missed that is crucial to the successful implementation of a new project.
I to found SWOT analysis to be enlightening and useful in finding the strength and weakness of my company. Though, the ability to keep a forward looking attitude is very health, but understanding why failures happen is very important too. It may be a sign that people within that organization are miscommunicating with each other. Addressing this issues now may avoid future problems in the future.
At the outset of my undergraduate term at Mercer University, I was confronted with financial hardships. As a present divorcee and recently single parent my monthly income diminished accordingly. Committed to work while setting off for college full time, this adversely impacted my academic performance and I didn't do well in some of my classes. I was not able to adjust to being a new single mother and student of a thorough instruction at Mercer University and this pattern proceeded throughout my undergrad time. My circumstance was one I was shamed by and neglected to be straightforward with my professors. Nonetheless, I persevered and from it I learned how to viably communicate under pressure. Ordinarily I could’ve had a more positive undergraduate
Today’s businesses end up working in a situation that is changing quicker than before. The process of analysing the issues and changing the techniques within the business is known as SWOT analysis.
According to What is SWOT Anlysis (2011), SWOT analysis is an analysis used to identify the internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) of the company as well as external factors (opportunities and threats) of the company.
The first important part of a SWOT analysis is to improve the viability of an organization. SWOT identifies the risk which can arise from future threats coupled with the organization weakness. For example, a pharma company ABC has invested heavily in R& D of existing product where a new competitor is also entering with same product. Then company ABC has to decide whether it is strategically important to deal with external threat or improve the internal weakness. Company ABC can continue the R & D progress to improve the quality of existing product or else can diversify the resource to offer the product at less cost i.e. improving its efficiency. So, SWOT plays an important role in such situation and proves to be a beneficial tool to take appropriate decision of improving the weakness