
Cloud Computing Essay

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2.2. The Elements of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing as everyone knows is not a new technology however, it just surfaced the technology market space. The primary reason why cloud computing still sounds like an alien language to some business executives is that they can’t grasp easily the anatomy of cloud computing. As earlier flashed-on in the introduction part of this book, understanding the arrays of services offered, the way those services are distributed game players in cloud computing is important.

When we speak cloud computing, we are about multi-tenancy and a server host; so, the service is always never really owned by clients who want to rent it. All cloud computing(CC) platforms and infrastructures-as-service operates on a …show more content…

IaaS provides support for all IT requirements, like CPU, memory, storage. In a deeper analogy of cloud computing, we can observe an internal arrangement like the PaaS and SaaS accruing services for IaaS for their own customers.


Cloud computing can be a very damning topic to an ordinary manager. In fact, it takes above average knowledge of computer terminologies and concepts to fully grasp what cloud computing is all about. The focus of this section, however, is to outline the basic that is needed for an average manager of a company in other to get the best cloud services for his/her company. There are many cloud computing vendors out there, and selecting the best provider can seem daunting. This doesn’t have to be. The focus should be on the QoS requirements which should be discretely organized in an order to compare multiple service provider against company’s QoS. Defining the standards for company’s QoS would be another challenge a manager might face in an organization. According to CSMIC (Cloud Service Measurement Initiative Consortium) have established a rather complex but easy framework for measuring cloud services providers. A Service Measurement Index (SMI).
The SMI framework has been a good framework because enables the company to ask seven very important questions. Accountability, can we count on this very provider and this is determined by considering their suitability, compliances, contracting experience,

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