
Close To Jesus

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How involved can a person be in ministry and still do not have a personal relationship with Jesus? How close can someone be to Jesus and still not know Him? How close can someone be to the truth and still do not believe it? How close can someone be to the gospel and still do not accept it? How close can someone be to heaven and still not go in? How close can someone be to Jesus and then give his heart to the devil? How much can you know about Jesus and still do not know Him. We find the answer in Judas. Judas was one of the twelve disciples, he did ministry with Jesus, He ate with Him, he traveled with Him, and he served with Him. He preached the Word and handled the financial affairs of the group, yet in spite of his close access and personal …show more content…

It commemorates the dreadful night when the Lord passed through the land of Egypt and killed all the firstborn of the Egyptians. But according to God’s instructions to the Israelites they applied the blood of the lamb on their doorpost and when God saw the blood He passed over them and spared them.
The Passover was one of the great pilgrimage festivals for which Jews gathered annually in Jerusalem. Here a year-old unblemished male lamb or goat was ritually sacrificed on the afternoon of the 14 day of Abib (March/April), and the meal was to be eaten that evening between sundown and midnight.
Deut. 16:5–8 dictates that the Passover could be celebrated only within the walls of Jerusalem. According to Exodus 12:3-4 families are to gather together to celebrate the Passover The actual meal is divided into four parts, each concluding with the drinking of a cup of wine. The head of the family first pronounces a blessing. Then a child will ask the question, “Why is this night different from other nights?” And here the father takes the opportunity to recount the deliverance from Egypt according to Deut 26:5-9. The father pronounces a blessing over the various foods that symbolize the bitter captivity in Egypt and both the hardships and blessings of the Exodus: unleavened bread, bitter herbs, greens, stewed fruit, and roast lamb. Family and guests are invited to partake of the meal. Near midnight the feast concludes …show more content…

Here Jesus reveals news that must have shocked all the disciples including Judas. “Truly I say to you that one of you will betray Me, one who is eating with Me.” When Jesus uses the word “truly” remember it’s a strong affirmation of what He is about to say. It means it is the truth.
In the next few verses I want us to see the contrast between Judas’ betrayal and the graciousness of Jesus. The fact that Jesus makes this shocking comment indicates that He is not taken by surprise at His impending betrayal. Verse 18 points to Psalm 41:9, “Even My friend in whom I trusted, one who ate My bread, has raised his heel against Me.” Jesus is the fulfillment of this

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