
Clinical Case Study Essay

Decent Essays

Clinical Case Study

I. HPI: Mrs. Lee is a 30 year old Asian woman. At 38 weeks gestation she delivered an 11 lb. 7 oz. 21 inches long baby girl with APGAR scores of 8 and 9. Mrs. Lee is now G3T3P0A0L3Para3. She has a history of gestational diabetes with her last pregnancy. With this pregnancy she once again had uncontrolled diabetes. Mrs. Lee is now 12 hrs post-C/S.

II. Newborn Assessment Findings:
RESP: Nasal flaring, grunting, mild sub-sternal retractions, tachypnea, transient apnea, diminished breath sounds with crackles in lower lobes bilat.
CARDIAC: AP strong and reg, peripheral pulses strong and equal
NEURO: Lethargic, high-pitched cry
GI: BS active, abd round
SKIN: Mottled skin, slight pallor …show more content…

List the complications this newborn may have. Using assessment findings and OB history, explain why the complications may be present. LGA, hypotonic, nasal flaring, grunting, retractions, tachypnea, transient apnea, diminished breath sounds, lethargic, high-pitched cry, mottled skin and slight pallor: The newborn may be hypoglycemic d/t the mother having a hx of gestational diabetes and uncontrolled diabetes with this pregnancy IV. Newborn Labs: Mark the box corresponding to the patient’s lab level: low, WNL, or high. Give a rationale for abnormal labs. Normal Ranges can be found in the General Clinical Packet.
LAB Nl Ranges Low WNL High …show more content…

R: I recommend that the baby be put on oxygen and that we increase feedings for the baby to stabilize BG levels to prevent brain damage.

IX. What is the most likely medical diagnosis? ____Hypoglycemia _________ ____________________

Clinical Case Study: Part Two
X. Nursing Diagnosis: Select and number the top 3 priority nursing diagnoses for your patient. Complete the priority nursing diagnosis by providing an etiology.
1. 1 Actual impaired gas exchange
2. Potential hypothermia
3. 3 Risk for imbalanced fluid volume
4. 2 Risk for unstable blood glucose
5. Risk for disorganized infant behavior
Nursing Diagnosis: Actual impaired gas exchange
R/T: low glucose levels of the infant caused by an increased level of insulin in the body resulting from a mother with uncontrolled diabetes that is responsible for lecithin synthesis which results in lung maturation, therefore an increased level of insulin causes the lungs to be immature at birth
AEB: Nasal flaring, grunting, mild sub-sternal retractions, tachypnea, transient apnea, diminished breath sounds with crackles in lower lobes

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