
Clinical Case Review Essay

Decent Essays

Introduction Clinical practice guidelines are one of the foundations of efforts to improve health care (Shekelle, Woolf, Grimshaw, Schüneman, & Eccle, 2012). This case analysis surrounds the question, “Why should management review guidelines each year in order to have the best evidence-based practice for nurses and patients?”. The question created through the past case study essay based on evidence-based practice. Monash University (n.d) describing the practice as making clinical decisions that rely on evidence and clinical experience with patient expectation. This case analysis will break down the previous work on the case study, supplying critical feedback to help sharpen the question, locating the evidence, the appraisal of the evidence …show more content…

Feedback given from the first case study plan indicates the question was a well-developed question inspired from the PICO format previously discussed. Yet critiquing if yearly is not enough. Alternately, research should go into how often management should review the guidelines. The critical thinking for the references provided was well searched and utilised, the lack of relevance is questioned, as it went off topic also not linking the discussion section to the case study given. Accuracy is essential to sharpening the question instead of broadening it. The research question will remain the same as this issue remains relevance to nursing practice and holds importance with safety, liability, practice and clients. By review policies, nurses can refer and review the guideline knowing it is the best evidence-based guidelines possible and reassure themselves of following the best practice, not just recommended due to other multidisciplinary sayings so. Nurses can improve this practice by self-researching and utilizing databases such as MEDLINE or government websites to find reliable evidence-based resources available to

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