
Clinic Denial Of Services Case Study

Better Essays

Intro Slide
The clinic in this scenario is facing a potential Denial of Service network intrusion incident. It is the task of the network security team to follow proper incident handling processes to ensure the correct handling of the incident.

This presentation discusses an incident known as a denial of service (DoS) as well as an intrusion of the clinic’s network systems. A denial of service (DoS) attack is designed to shut down services which a business needs to operate. This incident caused widespread slowness and outages to internet services and affected the clinic’s capability to properly treat its patients. In this presentation, the incident is examined. The processes to detect, analyze, contain, eradicate and recover from the …show more content…

This report detailed the incident as well as the steps taken by the team to handle the incident. This presentation was generated as part of that report.

What are the lessons learned from this incident?

There are essential components which cannot be left offline. In this instance, a working network intrusion detection system (NIDS) could have assisted in alerting the team of the incident sooner which could have lessened the impact to patients. Early reporting is essential. The impact of this incident could have been reduced had staff reported slowness on the network earlier. It is vital for patient care that the clinic deploy redundant firewall systems which can provide a more resilient network.

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The team follows an incident handling checklist which improves the ability to react properly when confronted with an incident. This checklist guides the team through the detection and analysis. It ensures that containment, eradication and recovery is handled properly. It also provides specific guidance on the post-incident activities.

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If you get an email from someone unexpected, don’t open it, instead report it. Phishing email contains links to malware or attachments with malware embedded in the file. If you open the file or click on the link, an attacker can access your system remotely.

In addition to reporting slowness or phishing email, it is vital that clinic staff follow the information security policies of the clinic. These policies have been created to protect the clinic and its patients information. If you have questions about any of these policies, please contact the network security team or call the help desk for clarification.

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The network team is doing its part to recommend updates to the network intrusion detection system. Also the team has setup alerts which will send email to the team when there is a change in the baseline network bandwidth which can be a precursor to an attack. Additional monitoring has been enabled to alert the team when there is administrative access to the firewall. Also the team will work to build resiliency in the network to automatically switch the network to additional circuits when under this type of

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