
Climate change Adaptation Planning: Tourism industry in the Himalaya Region

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The Himalayas is a vital region that facilitates mountain tourism to a number of countries including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bhutan, China, India and Nepal. The unique landscape and scenery of Himalayas is the main attraction to tourist activities in this region. Tourism industry is one of the major contributors to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employment. As an example, tourism sector contributes 9.4% of GDP and 8.2% of total employment in 2012 for Nepal. (World Travel & Tourism Council 2013)

The observed impacts of climate change to the livelihood of the tourism industry are the main driver the need of adaptation to ensure future development and prosperity. Climate is one of the primary factor in determining the viability and suitability of tourism activity, where shifting of weather regime and severe weather events directly impact on the operating cost, food and water supplies, insurance cost and snowmaking. Which has drawn the attention of global tourism sector on strategising adaptation responses to the impacts of the changing climate.

This paper discusses how climate change adaptation can be best addressed for the risk and vulnerabilities identified for the tourism industry in the Himalayan region. Recognising the importance of stakeholder engagement throughout the process of planning, implementing and evaluating the adaptation process.

Approaching Climate change Adaptation Planning:

Climate change adaptation planning is the process that focuses on how to

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