
Climate Change : Global Warming

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Throughout the earth’s history, global climate patterns have fluctuated, with these climate patterns going through glacial retreat and advance (NASA 2014). Currently the earth is experiencing a retreat, this significant trend single handily points to human influence being the dominant cause of the observed temperature rise in global climate patterns since the mid-century (NASA 2014). The warming of global climate systems is undisputable supported by unprecedented observations, based upon direct measurements and remote sensing from satellites and other platforms (IPCC 2013, pg.2). The IPCC (2013) outlines climate change as “a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere”.
Global warming first became evident during the 19th century when it became evident when temperature increases were beyond constraints of natural variability (AGU, 2013). Climate change was first brought to the public’s attention by head U.S. Weather Bureau 's Division of Climate and Crop Weather who reported that the global climate system was experiencing an increase in temperature (Spencer Weart & American Institute of Physics, 2015). To explore how climate conditions have varied throughout Earth history, paleoclimate reconstructions are used to extend records back hundreds to millions of years (IPCC 2013, pg.2).
Long term changes in global climate patterns and variability have been reconstructed through the

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