
Climate Change As A Threat Multiplier

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National security, in the 21st century, has shifted from the focus on traditional threats (armed forces) (Siddiqi, 2013) to the integration of new threats and challenges, which have global consequences as the world evolves. Climate change has been increasingly identified as a serious contemporary security threat (McDonald, 2013), nationally and globally, instead of an environmental concern (Dupont & Pearman, 2008). This challenge presents a long-term global threat, with substantial human, national and transnational security repercussions (Wuebbles, Chitkara & Matheny, 2014). Furthermore, Wuebbles et al. (2014) acknowledge climate change as a threat multiplier, seen to exacerbate stresses (i.e. conflict, instability and poverty), enhancing the global importance of the issue as recognised as a critical national security risk. In perceiving climate change as a threat multiplier, this essay will recognise how the issues cumulative progression and consequences interacts with existing security issues, directly and indirectly challenging national security (Brown, Hammill & McLeman, 2007). Secondly, the long-term risk of climate change will be discussed, analysing the importance of implementing adaptation strategies for risk protection and vulnerability reduction. Finally, being a transnational security threat, global cooperation will be addressed, stressing the importance of internationalism and collaboration to protect against this evolving threat to national and

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