
Cleveland, Ohio Narrative

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I spent the first eleven years of my life in Cleveland, Ohio. Contrary to the two seasons Florida has, hot and hotter, Cleveland has all four. During the winter season it would snow and snow day in and day out. This gave us the cinematic white Christmas but the feet of snow and layers of ice also proved to be a challenge. There was a particular Friday in February the year I was in the third grade that had me out in the snow a little bit longer than I had intended. The bus ride home was prolonged due to all of the ice on the roads and I was pretty anxious to get inside where I knew there would be a set of warm pajamas waiting for me. When I finally reached my stop, unfortunately the last one on the route, I ran as fast as my snow boot clad feet could take me. However when I arrived at the front door of my home there didn't seem to be anyone there who wanted to let me in. I knocked and knocked but there was never an answer. Determined to get inside and somewhat in denial that this was happening to me, someone who just wanted to get to a nice mug of hot chocolate, I started my way to the back door. …show more content…

With the door being on the other side the patio my only option was to attempt to trudge my way through a whole three feet of snow. I had almost made it to the door when it started snowing again. At that point I was fed up and I angrily rapped on the door trying a second time to have someone let me in. Again there was no answer and I was left standing outside wondering if I was going to have to find a squirrel or scrounge up some pine cones for my

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