
Clay We Are Created

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The director of the award winning film Bella by the name of Alejandro Gomez Monteverde, along with Isabel Allende who wrote the short story “And of Clay We Are Created” utilize similar themes in order to help enhance their works. The film Bella mainly centers on the life of a pregnant woman named Nina and her hardships through life and through this peril, she is able to develop a character change along with the help of her good friend Jose. As for the short story, “And of Clay We Are Created,” the main character Rolfe Carle is sent on a mission in Columbia where a volcano erupted and the heat caused a mudslide which led to many horrific deaths. In this fictional short story based on a true story, they focus on a young girl by the name of Azucena …show more content…

Through the use of flashbacks, the audience is able to conclude why the main characters are doing such a selfless act. In the short story, “And of Clay We Are Created,” Rolfe Carle, on the second night he spent with Azucena, the exhaustion began to break him down and caused him to dig through his frightful childhood. When Carle was about the age of Azucena and younger, he had to endure living with an abusive father and constant fear. At one point, he describes how “He was once again in the armoire where his father locked him to punish him for imagined misbehavior . . . huddled like a cornered animal” (Allende 256). He withstood this for years and was also the source of protection for his “sweet, retarded” sister Katharina, who also spent her childhood hiding from a monster they called a father (Allende 256). Two children and a mother, unable to live life like any normal family, were abused, traumatized, and emotionally tainted. The flashback ends with Azucena finding Carle flooded in his own tears and memories, everything completely unfolded before him. Through the use of this powerful, heart-wrenching flashback, the audience is able to make a connection as to why Rolfe Carle is laying down beside Azucena, protecting and distracting her from her own possibly discouraging thoughts. As for the film Bella, the scene begins with Nina and Jose, Nina’s co-worker and friend, sitting in his old car …show more content…

In the short story, “And of Clay We Are Created,” Carle never allowed himself to properly heal from the many emotional wounds his father caused. The career he chose allowed him to never participate and see it all through a camera lens, making it seem less realistic than it was so his emotions will not get the best of him; However, there was that connection with Azucena and his past that touched the emotional side of him he had avoided for years. After Carle finally gave in to Azucena’s fate, the narrator of the story, Carle’s lover, described him as different. “You are back with me, but you are not the same man,” she says in the last paragraph as if talking directly to Carle and no longer the reader (Allende 259). Azucena acted as Carle’s doctor, specializing in wounds and picking out everything that’s infected so the wound could finally and properly heal. Though Carle may mourn for Azucena’s death a while longer, his emotional battle with himself will soon be over. He will no longer feel a need to hide behind a lens, but embrace his new life and “walk hand in hand, as before” with his lover (Allende 259). In a similar matter, Jose lived his life much like Carle, full of remorse a despair when he visited that dreadful memory. At the end of the film we see Jose

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