
Classroom Observation Paper

Decent Essays

In a good classroom, students should feel safe and comfortable. The classroom was staffed with Ms. Caitlin the kindergarten teacher and Mrs. Doherty the teacher's assistant. The class size consisted of twenty children. The classroom held five round tables with four students per table. Having tables rather than individual desks, Ms. Caitlin encouraged a sense of community rather than allowing a child to be alone at a desk. The furniture was at an appropriate level and size for 5 and 6-year-old children. Also, there was space for children to store their work and personal belongings in cubbies. The class had four different learning center stations these included: writing/reading center, block center, math center, and the kitchen center. Bulletin boards were displayed and decorated with colorful pictures which reinforced concepts learned in the classroom. For example, the alphabet, numbers and days of the week. Student work was also visible in the classroom. In the front of the classroom, a smartboard and rug was arranged for the students to gather for lessons and play. This area was kept free from all forms of distraction. In the back of the room, extra materials were available such as pencils, erasers, crayons, glue sticks, and scissors. Overall, I believe that Ms. Caitlin provided her students with a positive, cheerful, and organized learning environment. She instilled in her students that the classroom is a …show more content…

Caitlin's classroom, developmentally appropriate practice also known as DAP was enforced. DAP is "teaching that is age and individually appropriate for each child in a program" (Brewer, p.226) Ms. Caitlin provided an instructional plan which established structure in the classroom. Class rules were presented and clear for each child to abide by. The daily schedule was also posted on the wall for the students to see. Planning and organizing the day is a way to help teachers achieve goals for their students. Children feel secure when

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