
Classroom As Symbolic Representation In The Jade Peony

Decent Essays

Classroom as Symbolic Representation Generally in literary works, author pick physical objects which takes on a special significance in the work and becomes a symbols of something beyond itself. All through the short story “The Jade Peony”, there have been numerous physical object that have been turned out to be important all through the story. Wayson Choy utilizes the classroom as symbolic representation of Ms. Doyle’s class as a paradise, the future of students and how Ms. Doyle discipline her students.

“The Jade Peony” uses the classroom to demonstrate the essence of paradise. For instance, during their recess, Sek-Lung talking about their weaknesses, “ recess, our dialects and accents conflicted, our clothes, heights and handicaps betrayed us, our skin colours and backgrounds clashed, but inside Miss E. Doyle’s tightly disciplined kingdom we were all lions or lambs---equals. We had glimpsed Paradise”(Choy, p. 395). Miss Doyle’s class is making the Students feel safe, because …show more content…

For instance, “Miss Doyle made it a rule never to tolerate interruptions or careless behaviors in her class.”(Choy p.391). Miss Doyle is not tolerating any bad attitude in her class, that’s why she’s being strict to her class for them to respect her and improve the children’s discipline in their self. In addition, during Miss Doyle class, “ in training us, she never hesitated to use her desk ruler repeatedly on our burning backsides, nor was she slow to engage the leather strap on our stinging bare hands” (Choy p. 392). She always want her student to be scared to her so that the student will focus to her and learn and to make themselves discipline in any ways. She is just using the leather strap just to get the students attention in the class. Therefore, Wayson Choy utilizes the classroom as symbolic representation of how Ms. Doyle discipline her

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