
Classical Conditioning Inhibitory Conditioning

Decent Essays

Two experimental procedures designed to provide empirical evidence for inhibitory conditioning during classical conditioning are the Summation and Retardation tests. Inhibitory Conditioning (CS¯) refers to prevention or reduction of a conditioned response (CR) due to the presence of a conditioned stimulus (CS). The Encyclopaedia of the Sciences of Learning defines conditioned inhibition as “conveying information that a possible future event is less likely than it would be otherwise”. Consequently the CS¯ is used as a signal to predict the absence of the CR, where it would be expected to usually occur. The CS¯ is thus used to inform us that something will not happen, comparatively to the excitatory stimulus (CS⁺) which conveys that something …show more content…

To be put crudely, inhibitory conditioning is the inhibition of a conditioned response. Dawson and Reardon (1969) found that the GSR of college students was significantly higher for the facility group than the inhibitory group, indicating the reduction in a CR, due to inhibitory forces. Moreover during conditioned inhibition if two different conditioned stimuli are present, whereby one is excitatory (CS⁺) and another a putative conditioned inhibitor (CS¯), the presentation of both simultaneously will eventually inhibit a CR. Initially the organism may respond to the combination of the two CSs, however it will soon learn that this is unnecessary, as the CSs are no longer followed by the US. The inhibitory force thus increasingly gains …show more content…

Initially the CS is repeatedly presented without the presence of an US, thus the CS becomes a putative conditioned inhibitor. Subsequently the CS is then repeatedly paired with a US. One can then conclude that if the stimulus is a conditioned inhibitor, with regards to the retardation test, the acquisition of excitatory strength will be retarded, due to the initial suppression of a CR. Consequently the delay of a CR can be compared to another CS that has been repeatedly paired with the US, to highlight the difference in the time taken to acquire an excitatory state between the stimuli and provide empirical evidence to support inhibitory conditioning. Conclusively if the CS takes longer to acquire excitatory strength when paired with a US, than a comparison CS, it is evident that it was conditioned inhibitor to begin

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