
Civil War: Differences Between The North And The United States

Better Essays

Alex Laphen
American History (A)
Professor Sampson
Civil War The Civil War that put a divide in the nation ranged from the years 1861 to 185. The North and the South followed different paths when America was being develop. The North became more of an industrial part, while the south was still relying on agriculture. Living two different types of cultures lead for differences between the two. This created a separation between the north and south causing the civil war. When the civil war began in 1861 the United states had transformed itself to keep up with competitors. Most of the American people were still rural people and even the American farmers were becoming a part of the increasing economy. When the United States …show more content…

Because of the North’s soil and climate, they were about to build an industrialized society fueled by natural resources. The South however was large land that was able to be filled with large plantations and bigger farmsteads. In Massachusetts they also began building factories because the rise in American business. One main thing that was made in these factories was shoes. They were still handmade and it employed many people who excelled in this profession. “In 1840, the total value of manufactured goods produced in the United States stood at $483 million; ten years later the figure ad climbed to over $1 billion; and in 1860 it reached close to $2 billion” (Brinkley, 289). American businesses and its economy boomed because of the North being more industrial, the South was still a farmstead now. The North was becoming more of a society then the South and growing in new …show more content…

The Slaveholders had their slaves doing their dirty work for them such as, maintaining the farms, picking cotton, etc. Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin and this made it a lot easier for the slaves to pick cotton, which became the principle export commodity of the United States. According to the article, Southern Society and the Defense of Slavery the cotton gin made the aggressive use of slave labor economically dominant. In the North slavery wasn’t as dominate as it was in the South. “Slavery was an institution established and regulated in detail by law. The slave codes of the southern states forbade slaves to hold property, to leave their masters’ premises with permission, to be out after dark, to congregate with other slaves except at church, to carry firearms, or to strike a white person, even in self-defense” (Brinkley, 303). Slavery was more dominant in the South because of the factories and the physical labor the slave-owners made them do. They were considered 2/3 of a person and had barely any rights. The codes also prohibited whites from teaching slaves to read or write and denied slaves the right to testify in court against white people. Slavery was not nearly as common in the North as it was in the South. They constantly made new laws to make sure the slaves had no rights and could not have any type of

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