
Civil Rights Movement Tactics

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The fight for African-American civil rights, the endeavor to give women the right to vote and the creation of the Americans with Disabilities Act are three major civil rights movements in American History. Each movement had specific goals and for these goals to be achieved specific tactics were undertaken. Tactics include grassroots, militancy, non-violence, coalitions, mobility, gradualism and assimilation. Some tactics were found to be successful while others unsuccessful. These three movements have similarities and differences, and because a tactic was successful for one movement did not mean it would be successful for another.
The African-American civil rights movement had the goal of crushing racial segregation and achieving citizenship …show more content…

This movement was led by Abigail Scott Duniway, a newspaper editor who dedicated her life to this civil rights movement. During the 1870s women would attempt to vote in elections and then once turned away file lawsuits with the hope that the Supreme Court would find suffrage as unconstitutional. This non-violent militant protest proved unsuccessful with the Supreme Court ruling against the movement, however after widely publicized trials, support for the movement increased making it a success as a coalition tactic. Another tactic used was creating militant groups. An example of this tactic is the national women’s party formed by Alice Paul. This militant group participated in a protest that involved picketing outside the white house. During this protest over 200 members were arrested creating even more publicity for the movement. Increasing coalition and support led to the eventual success where women gained voting rights. Women gained these rights after winning a series of competitively contested battles with in state legislatures and congress. The woman’s suffrage movement’s success is portrayed by the nineteenth amendment to the US constitution stating, “The right of citizens of the united states to vote shall not be denied or abridges by the United States or by any State on account of

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