All humans are disobedient and it's not necessarily a bad thing. Disobedience brings progress to society. Influential leaders, like Martin Luther King Junior, lead us to new beginnings. Disobedience cannot be simply categorized as a bad trait, it's a natural character trait that all of us humans have. Although there are types of disobedience that will be detrimental to us, it’s still a useful and common trait we need to progress in society. It is human nature that we will not stay in the same environment. There is no way around it. Millions have made a tremendous impact on society by simply being disobedient. All we can do is be thankful for all the brave-hearted people who’ve contributed to society. One can only wonder how the
The author exemplifies the ways that disobedience helps the society and its contribution to furthering the human race but notes on the fact that blind obedience may eventually account for the end of civilization.
Disobedience is the failure or refusal to obey rules or someone in authority. Disobedience like obedience becomes a virtue. Disobedience can prove that a person can stand against what they think is wrong and what they believe. In the past, there has been people that fought for what they thought was correct and made a change in the world. Like Irish Oscar Wilde once said, “It is through disobedience that progress has been made…,” I believe only the courageous will stand for themselves and for what they believe. Just like Cesar Chavez and Martin Luther King did.
Disobedience, in today’s culture, is inherently generalized to be something negative. However, there are times when disobedience is not just wrong, but desperately needed. Disobedience is the main cause of both social and political change. Thus Oscar Wilde’s claim that disobedience is a valuable human and that it prompts social progress - is most certainly correct and examples of it can be seen in both the American Revolution and the novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. In these two examples we see that there is a right time to disobey as well as a right reason.
The term disobedience can be interpreted differently depending on how someone looks at it. Martin Luther King Jr. for instance once said: “one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws”. A moral responsibility, to not only respect someone's action but to respect it even if it's disobeying the law that they believe are unjust. Which this portrays that everyone has a voice and it should be heard no matter what. Society should not be the judge because of our voices.
Human beings possess several virtues that differentiate them from other creatures and can use them in ways that represent their perceptions of social order. Surprisingly, Oscar Wilde believes that disobedience is an original virtue of every human and that it is responsible for progress and development. While Wilde’s claim is not entirely accurate, it is largely valid as evidenced by the recent events across the world, including the US, that have led to positive outcomes in spite of being termed and perceived as acts of disobedience.
Being disobedience is a trait that can be used for the right or wrong reasons. It forms an obstacle reflection on how we are supposed to use or react in the situational concept. A negative word can be used for the ones that are capable to rise in a resembling way. For instance, Cesar Chavez, a labor leader and participated during the civil rights. He dedicated his entire life to improve the treatment and pay for farm workers. Similarity, was Rosa Parks, the women that was called, “the mother of the freedom movement.” She jeopardized herself and broke many rules in order to stand up and get a better life habit. These two people that I provided are examples of risk takers that are also as well disobedient, but are doing it for a good reason.
Disobedience is a necessary human trait needed to rebel against unjust authority, to see unfairness in a society that prefers one type of person, and to do the right thing in the face of the law. Irish author, Oscar Wilde, wrote in 1891 that disobedience is a valuable human trait that’s necessary to progress, which is a sentiment that holds true to this day.
Disobedience and rebellion are traits that nobody likes in some people. Reason is because the people who have these traits tend to act out of control or over use their power. For example, both traits had many roles in wars because some soldiers did not listen to their captains because they wanted to attack their own way. What comes out of it sometimes is progress, which is a good thing to happen especially in their type of situation. It plays as a large valuable trait that us humans hold.
Disobedience is man’s greatest trait because without disobedience there is no progression. It helps make new strides in mostly everything we do.
I agree that disobedience is a valuable human trait. It takes courage and strength, which in the end promotes social progress. “Quien no arriesga, no cruz el río” is a spanish proverb that translates into nothing ventured, nothing gained. In order to change something in your life it may involve not always following every law. You have to be willing to change and take risks to get what you want. You have to be disobedient. Along with that, people in general that do not follow the social norms or abide by all the laws reject conformity.
Civil disobedience definitely has a positive impact on free society. It practices freedom of speech and respect all together in one. Referring back to the Edward Snowden case, this man did nothing wrong. All he did was cultivate a question that everyone was ignoring. He peacefully brought it to surface and constructed an awareness about the N.S.A. and certain things they do that aren't exactly reasonable.
Disobedience is a virtue When disobedience occurs, society feels threatened, but only a few have the heart and courage to encourage it. Oscar Wilde’s claim is that “disobedience is a valuable human trait and that it promotes social progress.” Although many oppose his claim Wilde is right because disobedience can improve a situation or help with social issues.
It is imperative to understand that the United States of America was born through acts of civil disobedience. And because American freedoms are constantly in danger of being encroached on, it is also important that citizens are aware of the worth that civil disobedience can possess. Civil disobedience is when a person or people refuse to obey a demand or restriction by the state that conflicts with higher law and conscience. The act requires that the disobedient one accept whatever may be the consequence of refusing, whether it be imprisonment, moral condemnation, fines, even perhaps death. It should be done when one’s spiritual searching and sense of rightness permit no other response. (Day 65: Disobedient Friends – Quakers and Civil Disobedience) There have been many instances of civil disobedience throughout American history which have had a powerful influence on the legal system and society as a whole.
Many have seen the negative side of disobedience, but have never witnessed the positivity and wellbeing of it. Disobedience is known to be wrong ; so most of humanity decides usually to stay away from it and just follow what they are told to do. Others on the other hand will stand up for what they believe in and wouldn’t think twice of disobeying the rules they are told to follow. Those are the type of people that we should have more off in this political world. I strongly agree that being disobedience is something that humanity should be proud off.
Disobedience has been a man’s virtue ever since laws have been constructed. As a progression that has developed in our society , it is safely to indicate that disobedience is morally acceptable by the common people. In order for change, people have demonstrated disobedience successfully to promote social progress, change is impossible without disobedience.Our society has failed to realize that there is no such thing a “perfect society”. There are people in our society who agree with change and would sacrifice themselves for it through violence and multiple times of rejection. Many individuals known as the majority simply do not like change. This majority is the group that construct these laws that we must follow. Thoreau states ,” A majority is permitted , and for a long period continue, to rule, is not because they are mostly likely right, nor because this seems fairest to the minority, but because they are physically the strongest.” Although we do perceive the system as the strongest, citizens still use disobedience to challenge the system’s authority. Disobedience is a man’s virtue when our natural rights are being violated by the majority . In order for change to occur the common people must use disobedience to fight the injustice in their society to promote social progress.