Based on the 2013 through 2016 CAFR reports, The City of Brownsville in accordance with GAAP has complied with the guidelines. According to City of Brownsville Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) (2016), “In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position of the government activities, the business-type actives, the aggregated discretely presented component units, each major fund.” Section VI: Understanding the Budget and Budgeting in the City of Brownsville The City of Brownsville is a full-service municipality that operates under a Commissioner-Manager form of government. The city has an elected Mayor and six Council members. The City of …show more content…
This will be achieved by regularly updating the cost of service analyses conducted in the Master Plan. The Park Operations Manager & Director will be responsible group for the data collection. The data collected would include staff time (20-80 hrs. each) that was spent on maintenance operation. The performance measurements will be updated annually and analyzed. Another example would be in providing training for park maintenance managers and supervisors to create a true cost of service analysis for maintaining parks, trails, and facilities to determine unit costs and assess the level of productivity, efficiency, and management standards in place. The Park Director will be responsible group for the data collection. The data collected would include staff time (20-80 hrs. each) that was spent. The performance measurements will be updated annually and analyzed. Based on my past fourteen years of experience of working for the City of Brownsville, I have first hand knowledge that each department is required to complete a department is required to complete a performance measurement schedule for each division within the department. The performance measurement schedule includes the divisions mission, function, positions within the division, department goals, and objective, expenditures and key measures. Based on the information collected, I have determined that the City of Brownsville is
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) is a report used by cities, and local governments to provide the public with their financial records each year, while adhering to government accounting standards board (GASB) guidelines. The report presents a comprehensive picture of the reporting entity’s financial condition, it provides how funds are spent and allocated throughout the year.
In Part 1, we have prepared an annual budget program for the Stratton Township Park that consists of all park operations. This includes golf operations, the pool, concerts, nature tours and visitors, concession operations, and administrative costs. A program budget focuses on the cost and revenues of specific programs (Finkler, Purtell, Calabrese, & Smith, 2013, pg. 76). This budget approach helps management evaluate a program’s profitability and aids in deciding if an organization can afford this specific program. Based on total revenues and operating expenses, the park is experiencing a loss in all program operations. According to the current annual budget, the township will have to provide a subsidy of $597,101 to
Working as the budget director for the mayor of the city of Kelsey, we have recently been getting numerous complaints from the citizens about an increase in crime and also an issue of the public demanding for more police officers. With the population of the city growing daily, the increase of crime is continuing to progress as well. The mayor has informed us that this past year is the highest increase in crime in the city’s history, that the federal government has reduced the federal pass-through money for the state and that the budgeting group needs to revamp the budget for the coming year. Within this document as the
Financial performance can be calculated using change in net assets, interperiod equity, sales tax growth, BTA self-sufficiency, and debt service coverage. I will analyze all of these financial indicators further for the City of Smithville with the exception of sales tax growth due to the lack of information necessary to reproduce this calculation.
The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) that our team chose to analyze is for the State of Ohio. The CAFR is for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2006. The information that was reviewed for the CAFR budget analysis was: the population, the State of Ohio’s governmental structure, the size of the budget and its interrelationship with the CAFR, major industries located in the entity, and other pertinent demographic information.
On our journey to Brownsville the first struggle we encountered was with transportation to get to Broadway Junction. Of course the MTA isn't always reliable but there were frequent stops in between stops. While waiting for the train to get up and running again various people said things like “ugh not again,” “Something always happens on the A” and other similar phrases as well as others that seemed accustomed to train issues. Now if you think about it, the A train is highly populated by Hispanics and Black people. Could this have to do with why the MTA hasn't attempted to fix their transit situation. On another note most of the trains heading toward Brooklyn and the Bronx have the older not modernized train carts than the ones heading toward Manhattan or Queens. Theres a huge change in atmosphere just in the manner of transportation.
Before the 1880s, the are of eastern Brooklyn that was to become Brownsville was known as New Lots. This territory was primarily farmland, but it was also the location of the city’s largest waste dump, as well as the site of several facilities that supplied stone and other building materials. In its early history, New Lots had a diverse population. English and Irish settlers, Jewish immigrants, and a small number of African-Americans farmed the land. Others were attracted to the area by the open space and relatively fresh fresh air it provided. Brownsville at one time was a place for waste-disposal, a tenement slum, a haven for Jews before they were accepted, the cradle of a major crime origination, a testing-ground for public-housing and
The Performance Measurement is a way to either measure or give a understandable value to what has been done compared to what was supposed to be done. It applies to all aspects in the working environment, such as procedures, critical activities and processes. In other words, first you set pre-defined goals and give away tasks and responsibilities to other workers, then at the deadline you can compare the achieved results to what the original goal was at the beginning. It is also useful to evaluate not only the final result, but even all the actions taken to get that particular results and the way the actions have been taken as well.
Measuring performance means when a business will measure the quality of the activities that are passing and the quality of the services provided to the customers by employees. It involves creating a simple, but effective, system for determining whether organizations meet objectives. It’s also a process of collecting and reporting information regarding the performance of an individual, group or organizations. It can
In this section I will be assessing how the University and the Estates Office measure team performance against goals and objectives.
Budgets serve five main purposes; planning, facilitating communication and coordination, allocating resources, controlling profits and operations and evaluating performance and providing incentives. The budgeting process requires both technical and interpersonal leadership skills to achieve each of these purposes effectively. The director’s memo demonstrates several short comings in the budgeting process. The director instituted the “responsibility accounting system” as a means of evaluating performance. However, the DPW director has not consulted Sam in the budget process. Sam understands that his total expenditures are impacted by relatively unpredictable events that contribute to an uncontrollable element of his cost. The
A budget also provides the opportunity to analyze the recent performance of city government. San Clemente's performance measures section begins on page 257 with data on how the government in general fared in the previous year. In the ensuing pages, each department is similarly examined. For example, the output of the public works department is viewed through statistics such as the number of potholes repaired and the percentage of maintenance completed in a timely manner. Also listed are the target numbers for each performance measure set
The City of Brownsville holds a Level 4 TPDES Permit, which in comparison to other Lower Rio Grande Valley cities requires the City to meet additional guidelines. The permit
The Following involves the analysis of the costing techniques followed by the company along with its Budgeting system. It also involves the Investment appraisal analysis for the given data.