
City Of Brownsville Budget Essay

Decent Essays

Based on the 2013 through 2016 CAFR reports, The City of Brownsville in accordance with GAAP has complied with the guidelines. According to City of Brownsville Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) (2016), “In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position of the government activities, the business-type actives, the aggregated discretely presented component units, each major fund.” Section VI: Understanding the Budget and Budgeting in the City of Brownsville The City of Brownsville is a full-service municipality that operates under a Commissioner-Manager form of government. The city has an elected Mayor and six Council members. The City of …show more content…

This will be achieved by regularly updating the cost of service analyses conducted in the Master Plan. The Park Operations Manager & Director will be responsible group for the data collection. The data collected would include staff time (20-80 hrs. each) that was spent on maintenance operation. The performance measurements will be updated annually and analyzed. Another example would be in providing training for park maintenance managers and supervisors to create a true cost of service analysis for maintaining parks, trails, and facilities to determine unit costs and assess the level of productivity, efficiency, and management standards in place. The Park Director will be responsible group for the data collection. The data collected would include staff time (20-80 hrs. each) that was spent. The performance measurements will be updated annually and analyzed. Based on my past fourteen years of experience of working for the City of Brownsville, I have first hand knowledge that each department is required to complete a department is required to complete a performance measurement schedule for each division within the department. The performance measurement schedule includes the divisions mission, function, positions within the division, department goals, and objective, expenditures and key measures. Based on the information collected, I have determined that the City of Brownsville is

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