
Circuit Board Meeting Case Study

Decent Essays

Word had spread quickly on Fort Huachuca that contact had been made with Washington D.C. and the President of the United States. Everyone on post had questions but there were very few answers forth coming. It was fortunate that General Watkins and Colonel Clayton happened to be on post when contact was made. General Watkins was more than happy to take the lead on the call with Washington as the post commander was at North Island visiting Admiral Meyer. There had been some initial contact with someone claiming to be Corporal Byrd from White House Communications. It was lost for some unknown reason only to return almost two weeks later. They had been able to use the proper authentication over the radio net for POTUS which was exciting for everyone involved. Rumor had spread over the post that POTUS had actually come on the net to speak to General Watkins and Colonel Clayton who were fixtures now on post. …show more content…

Many of the west coast senior staff thought that with the brain trust in Washington they would have been far ahead of their counter-parts on the west coast but they weren’t. The military services on the west coast had been at war for almost a year now with the resources they had. This meant that there weren’t any troop rotations as they were all committed to one action or another. They were only beginning to rotate entire units out of CBA’s (combat areas) for some R&R (rest and relaxation) and refitting the unit with fresh troops and equipment. Now those same service members were being called into action once again but this time across the entire country. There was some sign of burn out amongst the service members and they were being treated accordingly but as a whole the force was holding up brilliantly. What concerned everyone in the military now was how the civilian leadership, essentially President Washington was going to use them or was it going to be business as

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