
Cios Role

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There is little doubt that the role of the CIO has changed since the title emerged in the 1980s. In the past, CIOs only needed to be involved in the technical projects. In the past, the CIO was often overwhelmed with the management of servers, networks, and mainframes. Cloud computing technology has rapidly grown. With the growth of the cloud, businesses can now house data off site or purchase software as a service (SaaS) rather than building their own custom software. The change in IT has caused the role of the CIO to change as well. A recent Bloomberg article states that a CIO with only IT knowledge has become to stand for “Career is Over” (Simson, 2013).

As times have changed, and the CIOs role has as well. According to the article, “Just what is the CIOs role?”, the modern CIO needs to actively participate in business strategy to gain information about the needs of the company. Interpretation of this information allows the CIO to develop a technology strategy that supports the business’s needs. Next, the CIO needs to be able to communicate progress of his plans. Finally, he needs to be able to deliver on said plans (Scheuerman, 2011). …show more content…

The four necessary CIO skills listed in Scheuerman’s 2011 article require a vast array of business skills. Since 2010, CIO’s annual Role of the CIO survey revealed that professional believed the CIOs top focus should be aligning IT initiatives with business needs (2016 State, 2016). This alone shows that CIOs need to have incredible business acumen along with tech

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