
Cinderleaf Dialectical Journal

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A quarter-moon shone brightly in the cloudless sky sending streaks of silver onto the forest floor, ferns rustled as a hunting patrol emerged from the undergrowth. A dusty brown tabby tom and a large ginger tom were the first to emerge quickly followed by a mottled grey she-cat. The ginger tom lifted his tail to command the patrol to stop “Badger” he whispered, the dusty brown tom lifted his muzzle to taste the air and a faint but unmistakable scent caught his nose. Badger! The dusty brown tom looked over to the ginger tom, his pelt prickling with unease. The ginger tom looked back at the Dusty brown tom. “CinderLeaf, you are the best tracker in the clan”- He nodded over to where he had scented the badger -“Track down that badger”. …show more content…

Why did BrindleNose have to put such a young and unexperienced warrior at the head of our patrol? Especially a cat like LionWhisker! He thought to himself. CinderLeaf shook out his fur and forced himself to follow the badger’s scent trail. After what felt like no more than a few heartbeats CinderLeaf found himself in the middle of a small clearing surrounded by bushes. At one end a large mound of earth had been dug through to create a cave. This must be the badger’s den, he noted. CinderLeaf thought suppressing a shudder, he had always had a fear of badgers ever since one killed his only brother, BlueWhisker. His heart thumping with fear, he never thought he would ever have to meet …show more content…

“You two are far too cautious, I know exactly what I’m doing”. He padded over to stand nose to nose with the dusty brown warrior. “Now, as I was saying CinderLeaf! I want you to wait in that bush over there”. He pointed with his muzzle to a large elder bush opposite the badger’s den. “I’ll lead the badger out into the middle of the clearing and you two will jump out of your hiding places and attack, got it” LionWhisker charged off towards the cave before either of them could argue. As he approached the cave he let out a fierce yowl that seemed to echo through the forest. At that same moment a badger blundered out of the cave. LionWhisker leaped at the badger raking his claws across the badger’s muzzle blood oozing from the freshly made wound. For a moment CinderLeaf stood startled at the warrior’s impatience. Is he that mouse-brained? He could get himself killed by doing this sort of stuff, CinderLeaf thought to himself. With an irritated sigh he turned to SpeckledTail. “Well, we should probably go and help him before he gets himself killed”. With a nod SpeckledTail charged forward with CinderLeaf at her heals. They leaped into battle snarling viciously at the badger while they clawed at the badger from all

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