
Chronicle Of A Death Foretold Carpentry Essay

Good Essays

“Ultimately, literature is nothing but carpentry. With both you are working with reality, a material just as hard as wood”. Although carpentry mainly focuses on wood there are other materials that are included, just like in literature you work with reality but also with other genres to create a book with meaning behind it. Gabriel Garcia Marquez was a Colombian writer who was well-known for producing much magical realism writing which means that authors use magical components to make a point about reality. Working with Magical Realism allowed him to be able to create a parallel universe setting where he was able to criticize the Colombian government and its society. When writing Chronicle of a Death Foretold he mainly focused on unimportant …show more content…

In the text, it states “ many people coincide in recalling that it was a radiant morning with a sea breeze coming from the banana groves, as was to be expected I a fine February of that period. But most agreed that the weather was funereal, with a cloudy, low sky and the thick smell of still waters, and that at the moment of the misfortune a thin drizzle was falling like the one Santiago Nasar had seen in his dream grove” (Garcia Marquez 4). This can be seen as an exaggeration because the people are describing the morning at a much larger picture that it really was the details are coming after many years have passed which is why the people cannot agree of the actual weather. They have created a parallel universe inside their minds as a way to cope with their feeling of guilt due to the fact that they allowed such a monstrous crime to take place. This is an example of magical realism because it is evident that the reader is confusing the reality and non-reality that was established by the characters of the story. It is becoming difficult to distinguish real life from an alternative version of the society in the

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