
Christopher Paolini, And C. S. Lewis

Decent Essays

“Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary.” ~Gerard Way. Heroes come in many shapes and sizes, but they above all inspire us to be better in all ways. Some heroes in my life would be: Jesus, Christopher Paolini, and C.S. Lewis. Jesus was born to a virgin, and around the age of thirty he started his ministry to teach and love on everyone he met, and a couple years later was killed for our sins but rose three days after. Christopher Paolini is an American author who was very advanced in school early in life, after graduating at 15, he wrote the first draft of the book Eragon, the first book of his famous Inheritance Cycle. C.S. Lewis was a British writer who wrote the Chronicles of Narnia series and many other theological …show more content…

Paolini’s series was such a fun series to read, and even though it is just a fantasy series, he raises some really good points to real life issues as well. I chose C.S. Lewis because he also was an author of a good book series, and not just that, but he was also greatly devoted to Christianity later in his life, and I want to be as devoted as he was. Lastly, Jesus. I chose him because of how he treats others, no matter if they are sinful or clean, holy or evil, Jew or Gentile, he would talk to them and pour out his love on everyone. He loved us so much that he died on the cross to protect us from our sins, even though most of us don’t know him or even care about him. That takes a lot of love to sacrifice yourself for someone that doesn't know your name or anything about you. That kind of love is unconditional, and I want to love others the same way.
Heroes can influence us in many different ways, so it’s good to have inspiring heroes such as Jesus, Christopher Paolini, and C.S. Lewis. Having a hero means you have someone to look up to, someone that can show you what to do in the tough times, and help you lead your life down the right path. A hero can be anyone in your life, whether it’s your mom or dad, your teacher, your coach, or someone that doesn’t know you personally like your favorite author or celebrity. The one thing that’s important, is that you have heroes

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