
Christopher M. Moereman's Beyond The Threshold

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Christianity is divided into thousands of denominations across the world, each denomination has a specific set of beliefs and norms which contribute to, and sometimes challenge the overarching themes of Christianity and The Bible. Christopher M. Moereman in his book, Beyond the Threshold explains Normative Christianity, and the specific beliefs and practices within. Kyriacos C. Markides in this book, The Magus of Strovolos uses the teachings of Dr. Stylianos Atteshlis, also known as Daskalos, to further illustrate the specific beliefs and practices within Esoteric Christianity. After reading and understanding the writings of both Moreman and Markides, it is clear to see there are ideas which distinguish Esoteric Christianity from Normative Christianity. This essay will explore these ideas which include the idea soul, the idea life after death, and the teachings of Daskalos. …show more content…

Esoteric Christianity differs in that particular religious teachings are be transmitted to others only after preparation and training which gives the individual the power to understand such complex spiritual ideas. In chapter seven of The Magus of Strovolos, Markides speaks of individuals traveling to learn from Daskalos, and referred to these individuals as Daskalos’ students. These students make up a small inner circle which see Daskalos as a teacher, confidant, and spiritual leader (Markides, 91). This idea that only certain individuals are enlightened, while others are not entitled to the same, can be seen as elitism. Elitism is not seen in Normative Christianity; all are entitled to, even expected to read, know, and follow the teachings of The Bible, specifically the new testament. It is important to understand differences in teaching and enlightenment to further understand other ideas which distinguish the two religions, such as the soul and life after

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