
Christopher J.H. Wright Essay

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Introduction In the book by Christopher J.H. Wright, Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament, the author argues the very existence of Jesus Christ in the New Testament is portrayed within the Old Testament. Wright writes, “the deeper you go into understanding the Old Testament, the closer you will come to the heart of Jesus” (ix). Wright explains many Christians love Jesus, but do not know much about the Scriptures that He read. This is the author’s intention of the book, bringing the readers to a deep understanding of the Old Testament and gaining a greater understanding of Jesus. The purpose of this review is to summarize and critique Wright’s work along with presenting the strengths and weaknesses of the book. Wright has a profound …show more content…

It is then the reader will understand Jesus and the New Testament. Wright writes, “Jesus is thus ‘the end of the line,’ as far as the Old Testament story goes. It has run its completed course in preparation for him, and now its goal and climax has been reached” (7). The goal Wright is talking about is bringing the Messiah into the world. That goal was accomplished through Jesus Christ. Wright moves on past the genealogy and re-asserts the purpose of the book, “Not only does the Old Testament tell the story which Jesus completes, it also declares the promise which Jesus fulfills” (56). It is within the Old Testament story that portrays and conveys Jesus. Wright relates five passages of Scripture attributed to the birth of Jesus Christ that hold Messianic prophecies (55). He further expounds on prophecy stating that every Scripture about the future restoration of Israel does not need to be fulfilled in national Israel. Wright believes the Old Testament is more of a book of promises than predictions. Wright attributes two effects to his interpretation of promise within the Old Testament. First, salvation is based on God’s grace (68). Second, there are conditional elements to the promise, and requires a response of faith (68). Wright points to Jesus as the fulfillment of Old Testament promise. This is explained through the covenants God made with Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and

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