
Christopher Columbus Pros

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The new world was the embodiment of a new beginning to the Europeans when first discovered by them. Christopher Columbus was thought to be a savior for sailing the ocean and discovering what we know today as America. A land envisioned by the Europeans as being the ultimate sense of pure freedom. They envisioned a land of religious freedom, a society made of equals in which everyone had power. But those ideas of freedom and glory had a fine print, for the natives of the new world. Those who inhabited the land were cast off as savages to the Europeans, who justified it as an act of progression and a way to properly cultivate the land. Each of their arguments on why it was clearly the right choice at the time can be countered by their own hypocrisy towards the natives. The Europeans, without realizing it, ironically took away the aspects of the new world that they were hoping to gain from it and destroyed the new beginning they were there to pursue.
The reasons they felt the need to go to the new world are very clear. For starters, they came to the new world for more freedom of religion. They wanted to be free to believe in whatever religious practice that they wished without the fear of being seen in a negative light by those around them. Groups like Pilgrims, Puritans, and other Puritan like groups left in the hope of being able to practice their beliefs in peace.
They came to the new world for the prospect of land and what it had to offer. It was filled with natural, raw

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