
Christo And Jeanne-Claude's Art Analysis

Decent Essays

Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s work is centered around temporary exhibitions that are almost otherworldly as they usually include larger than life objects to cover a large amount of area. In this particular exhibition, the large objects are the umbrella’s used to cover about 30 miles total of two inland valleys. When I say large umbrella’s I mean umbrella’s so large it took a crane or roughly 7 people to maneuver them. It’s hard to determine what actually is the art in this work when you look at all of the proposed prompts because technically without all of the workers, land owners, the artists themselves, and the original idea this art work wouldn’t exist. I personally think overall the art in the project is the umbrellas themselves. The preparation of it was technically art as well, as many preparatory sketches were created of what they desired to be the final result. However, the main artwork of the project was having the umbrella’s up. The original idea is the final idea from what I can gather, this also ties in with the original …show more content…

The bright yellow of the umbrella’s in California contrasted perfectly with the brown sandy grass it was fastened upon. A similar thing happened with the blue umbrella’s in Japan looked absolutely perfect against the blue green grass there. You can find videos of the umbrella’s in California being interacted with by people. Many of those people pulled off to the side of the highway to get out and view the umbrella’s up close. Almost exactly the same experience happened in Japan. We absolutely can view the art of the umbrellas, many did when they were up for viewing and we still can now through videos and photographs. The umbrella’s added a certain life to the landscape they were added to. To further that life, the people who interacted with them added more to it. Without the umbrella’s there those highways in California and Japan might have just been plain

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