
Christmas Essay example

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A few days before Christmas, Oxford street is swarming with last minute shoppers, laden with parcels and bags. Christmas is the highlight for many people, especially little childen, from as tall as your ankle to as tall as your knee. Small todlers were moaning and disappearing into the clothes racks like magicians disappearing in a puff of smoke entertaining the gullible audiences.

Families and friends gradually emerge from clogged buses and congested trains, tired, exhausted and hungry even at this very early stage, as if they had spent the whole night awake, like a distressed parent waiting for their child to arrive home from a party but has still not arrived, two hours past their curfew. …show more content…

The street is coated with a thick layer of snow, knee length, which was as soft, and as smooth as a fresh scoop of vanilla ice-cream. The snow was as white as the marzipan on a wedding cake, smooth as glass, flat as a pancake and beautiful as the wings of a butterfly opening for its first time.

Along the street, above the distressed shoppers, was a sea of decorations, of all colours, simultaneously changing, on and off, to the rhythm of my feet, whilst ambling through the streets of Oxford. The Christmas lights were shaped in all kinds of shape you could possibly imagine and they were so bright that the twinkle in the lights glistened on the icing floor as though it was a star. It also shimmered on the shoes, which men were wearing.

The combination of the snow and the Christmas lights makes me feel as though I was entering another world full of amusement, ecstasy and anticipation as Christmas draws in.

The atmosphere is pleasant, though everybody seems to be distressed and having problems on their minds, as though they were carrying the weight of the whole, entire world on the shoulders. The shops are warm and snug after coming in from the cold outside. The feeling of a holiday coming up puts individuals in a ebullient, friendly,

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