
Christianity Buddhism Compare And Contrast

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Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism all have different beliefs and values, therefore causing an ongoing conflict between their followers (Book Rags). Religions give people hope, hope that there is more to life, more than the life we have on earth. Most religions consist of a holy figure or figures that deserve worship to provide hope, strength, comfort, and give them peace. Three noteworthy religions are Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism which compare and contrast each other in their own ways. Christianity is the largest religion in the world, with over 2 billion followers. Christians believe they are saved by grace through faith because God took on a human form through Jesus. He was born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, and shed his …show more content…

He was a wealthy young man who was raised in the Hindu religion. He believed that the Hindu religion caused much pain, so he set out to on a spiritual journey. He developed his own belief structure with the Eightfold Path. He believed himself to be enlightened, and his belief he created Buddhism. Christianity and Buddhism similar because they they are both monotheistic religions, meaning they only believe in one God. They also believe that their God is superior, mighty, all-seeing, ruler, lord of all, maker, and creator. They are also alike in the way that both religions believe there is only one way to achieving either liberation or an earth life with God (Buddism-Tourism). Meditation is a practice used by Buddhist to focus on zen, the only way to liberation (Religion Facts). More practices include Mantras, sacred sounds, and Mudras, symbolic hand gestures. The buddhist believe that they have to purify the soul to obtain enlightenment, by following a strict set of laws known as the Eightfold path or The Four Nobel Truths. While Christians believe they are saved by grace through faith, because of what Jesus did on the cross, not by their works on Earth. The Eightfold Path is a philosophy the consist of getting rid of the vices and embracing the virtues (Ryan J. Hite). The Eightfold Path consist of having the right view, intention, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, and concentration. They are the essence of Budda’s teachings, and are believed to be the basic of his first sermon as the enlightened one (The Essence of Buddhism). Hinduism, the worlds third largest religion, it does not have a sepsis origin. It is a polytheistic religion, based around a caste system, and characterized by wrathful gods. Hindus belief the your placement on the caste system is based on your actions in pervious lives. Hinduism is first and most obviously different from christianity by the

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