
Christian Worldview Essay

Decent Essays

I. I. According to Buddhists there is no God he doesn’t exist and there is no evidence that support his idea, and nature works on its own according on changes. “Science has very convincingly explained how the universe came into being without having to intrude the God-idea” (God-idea). Humankind did not know by the 20th century in the age of physics, astronomy and geology, such myths have been superseded by scientific fact. (God-idea)
II. According to Christian religion God is the heavenly father who is our creator. By following the teaching of Jesus Christ who was considered to be God’s here on earth. But in the eyes of Buddha
II. I. Buddhist theories of the self and personal identity must be studied in relation to their background in early Indian thought. (Kapstein, 2010)
II. According to (Dhammaphada 166) …show more content…

I. Humanity is impermanent, a collection of five aggregates, or composition: body, consciousness, volition perception, and emotions. It does not matter why we are here. (Lefebvre, 2011)
II. Buddha believes there sole purpose is to attain perfection and the only way you can do that is aims at resolving the problem of human existence. In the Christian Worldview is to glorify God in all things.
IV. I. Buddhism lives by the right speech, right action, and right livelihood. Within their Five Precepts are basis of Buddhist morality. Avoid killing or harming living beings, avoid stealing,, sexual misconduct, lying and avoid alcohol and other intoxicating drugs.
II. Christian has a mankind law to obey God and establish the word and knowledge to have a better understanding of God. It seem like within the Christian and the Buddhism worldview there are morality as to not stealing and killing.
V. I. In Buddhism there is no destiny there is no beginning or end. Buddha describes the origin of the world much like a scientist would you will be destroyed and re-evolved over time. “The goal of enlightenment for Buddha was to escape suffering” (Lefebvre,

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